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Full text of "Manual of the First Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, together with a history of the same, from its organization in July, 1823, to November 12, 1876"

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Ijlli  II  III  mill  II  nil   mill  ii  in  in  i 

3  1833  01292  7775 


1823.  1878. 

AXD  ' 









Organization  in  July,  1823,  to  November  12, 1876, 








Behold!  I  have  graven  thee  upon  the  palms  of  my 
hands;  thy  walls  are  continuallv  before  me. — Isaial, 
xlix:  16.      ' 

THE  history  of  this  church  has  its  origin  at  a 
period  only  aViout  two  years  later  than  the  organ- 
ization of  the  town  itself.  The  Legislature,  at  its  ses- 
sion in  January,  1^20,  appointed  a  Commission  of  ten 
persons  to  select  a  site  for  the  capital  of  the  State. 
Only  five  accepted  the  trust.  These  gentlemen,  after 
examining  various  localities,  finally  settled  upon  two, 
one  of  which  they  agreed  should  be  their  final  choice. 
These  were  the  mouth  of  Fall  Creek,  and  the  Bluft"s 
of  White  River.  After  thorough  examination  of  both, 
and  abundant  discussion  of  the  advantages  afforded 
by  each,  they  proceeded  to  determine  the  question  by 
vote,  when  the  present  locality  was  chosen  by  a  major- 
ity of  one.  The  Legislature,  at  its  session  in  January, 
ls21,  confirmed  the  choice  of  the  commissioners,  and 
at  the  suggestion  of  the  late  Judge  Sullivan,  of  Madi- 
son, one  ot  the  committee  appointed  to  draw  up  the 
Bill  of  Coniirmation,  conferred  upon  the  infant  cajiital 
its  euphonious  and  appropriate  name. 

As    soon  as  this    important  measure    was   adopted. 


population  began  to  gather  in,  and  amongst  the  eai'li- 
est  settlers  were  a  few  Presbyterian  families.  The  first 
sermon  from  a  Presbyterian  Minister  was  preached  by 
Rev.  Ludwell  G.  Gaines,  a  Missionary  from  Ohio,  on  the 
21st  of  August,  1821.  The  service  was  in  the  open  air, 
under  the  shade  of  a  spreading  walnut,  near  the  south- 
west corner  of  Washington  and  Mississippi  .streets. 
The  youthful  chorister  of  that  service,  not  long  since 
passed  away  in  the  person  of  the  venerable  and 
esteemed  Col.  Samuel  D.  Maxwell. 

Mr.  Gaines  appears  to  have  spent  but  one  Sabbath 
with  the  infant  settlement,  and  the  next  ministerial 
visitor  was  Rev.  David  C.  Proctor,  who  came  in  May, 
1822,  as  a  Missionary  of  the  Connecticut  Missionary 
Society.  He  spent  one  week  here,  preaching  several 
times,  and  so  far  to  general  acceptance,  that  measures' 
were  taken  to  secure  his  services  for  onedialf  the  time, 
from  the  first  of  October  following.  During  this  inter- 
val. Rev.  Isaac  Reed,  a  Missionary  under  the  Presby- 
terian Board  of  Missions,  visited  the  locality  and 
preached  on  several  occasions.  He  was  a  man  of  very 
moderate  abilities,  but  of  commendable  zeal  and  in- 
dustry in  the  Master's  work.  He  was  much  addicted 
to  publishing  narratives  of  his  tours  and  other  autobi- 
ographical matter,  and  left  two  or  three  small  volumes 
of  such  literature. 

On  the  first  of  October,  Mr.  Proetor  returned  in 
pursuance  of  the  engagement  made  with  him  in  the 
previous  May,  which,  liowever,  was  modified  so  as  to 
secure  three-fourths  of  his  time,   in    consideration  of 


which,  he  was  to  receive  8400,  or,  it  was  discreetly  pro- 
vided, "so  much  of  it  as  could  be  collected."'  At  the 
expiration  of  the  year  thus  stipulated  for,  the  congre- 
gation did  not  desire  to  retain  Mr.  Proctor's  services 
longer,  and  he  left.  Subsequently  he  married  in  Vir- 
ginia, and  soon  after  removed  to  Kentucky,  and  spent 
the  remainder  of  his  life  in  that  State.  He  died  Jan- 
uary 17th,  ISTio. 

In  his  ministry  with  this  infant  church,  Mr.  Proctor 
gave  a  promise  of  usefulness  that  was  hardly  redeemed 
by  his  riper  years.  He  was  well  furnished  by  educa- 
tion for  his  work,  and  at  the  beginning  of  his  career, 
manifested  enthusiasm  in  it.  Becoming  possessed  of 
a  considerable  estate,  however,  by  his  marriage,  the 
care  and  increase  of  it  divided  his  time  more  than 
evenly  with  the  work  of  the  ministry.  His  preaching 
lost  its  vitality  and  force.  It  does  not  appear  that  he 
was  ever  settled  as  a  pastor,  though  usually  2:)reaching 
to  one  or  more  small  churches  in  his  vicinity.  He  was 
distant  and  frigid  in  his  manners,  and  formal  in  his 
speech  :  thus  failing  to  add  by  personal  intluence  to 
the  etfect  of  his  ministrations,  and  falling  below  the 
measure  of  tisefulness  that  might  justly  have  been  ex- 
pected of  him. 

During  Mr.  Proctor's  ministry,  ettbrts  were  made  to 
secure  a  house  of  worship.  A  subscription  was  set  on 
foot  and  $1,200  pledged  to  the  object.  A  frame  build- 
ing, hfty-four  feet  by  thirty-four  was  erected  on  part 
of  the  spot  now  covered  by  the  "  Talbott  Block,''  on 
North   Pennsylvania  street.     The  building  was  begun 


in  May,  (1823,)  and  so  far  completed  as  to  permit  of 
public  worship  being  held  in  it  on  the  fii'st  Sabbath  of 
the  following  July.  The  building  committee  consisted 
of  Dr.  Isaac  Coe,  James  Blake  and  Daniel  Yandes — 
the  last  still  living,  a  hale  and  active  octogenarian. 
The  committee  discharged  their  trust  vigorously,  but 
found  that  the  amount  subscribed  would  be  deticient 
several  hundred  dollars.  But  the  wit  of  pioneers  be- 
comes sharpened  by  exigencies,  and  the  committee  was 
equal  to  this  emergency.  Dr.  Coe  and  Mr.  Blake  car- 
ried forward  the  work  to  completion,  the  carpenters 
agreeing  to  take  their  orders  on  Mr.  Nicholas  McCarty, 
the  only  merchant  in  the  village,  for  goods,  and  Mr. 
McCarty  generously  agreeing  to  honor  such  orders  and 
wait  the  convenience  of  the  committee  for  payment. 
The  inconvenience  growing  out  of  the  scarcity  of 
money  was  thus  overcome,  and  a  neat  and  convenient 
house  of  worship,  suited  to  the  day  and  to  the  people, 
was  erected  and  completed.  The  cost  of  the  building 
and  the  ground  was  $1,600. 

Hitherto  mention  has  been  made  of  the  material 
fabric  only.  The  })olicy  of  these  sturdy  Iniilders  of 
"the  church  in  the  wilderness,"  was  different  from 
that  most  generally  adopted.  It  is  common  first  to 
organize  the  body  of  lielievers  into  a  church,  and  then 
to  erect  for  it,  with  such  expedition  as  may  be.  the 
material  and  local  habitation.  The  founders  of  this 
church  adopted  the  opposite  course,  and  built  a  house 
for  God,  before  thel"e  was  a  chvirch  to  occupy  it.  They 
were  not,  however,  any  less  diligent  in   the  com}>letion 


than  in  the  inception  of  their  plan.  On  Saturday, 
July  oth,  1>23,  a  chtn-ch  organization  was  effected, 
eight  persons  presenting  letters  of  dismission  from 
other  churches,  and  seven  being  received  on  examina 
tion,  making  the  total  of  the  original  membership 
fifteen,  llev.  Mr.  Proctor  was  assisted  on  this  occasion 
by  Kev.  Isaac  Eeed,  already  mentioned,  and  by  Eev. 
William  Martin,  who  arrived  here  on  that  day,  being 
on  a  journey.  The  organization  was  effected  in  the 
celebrated  Cafdnet  .■>hoi)  of  Caleb  .Scitdder,  where,  also, 
preaching  was  held  during  the  summer.  Dr.  (Joe  and 
Mr.  .'^cudder  were  elected  elders,  and  on  the  fol- 
lowing day,  being  .'^abV'ath,  July  Cth,  the  sacrament 
of  the  Lord's  Supper  was  administered  in  the  new 
church.  <..>n  Jttly  7th,  the  church,  by  vote,  requested 
to  be  taken  under  the  care  of  the  Presliytery  of  Loui.s- 
ville.  at  that  time  the  nearest  and  most  convenient 
one.  During  the  same  month  a  weekly  prayer  meet- 
ing was  begun,  and  thu,^  the  infant  church,  (its  found- 
ers having  been  for  a  year  past  active  workers  in  tlie 
Union  Sabbatli  School.)  was  fully  equipped  and  fur- 
nished for  work  in  the  Master's  cause. 

After  Mr.  Proctor's  departure  at  the  close  of  his 
fir^t  3'ear  of  service,  an  invitation  was  addressed  to 
Piev.  William  Martin,  who  had  assisted  at  the  organi- 
zation of  the  church,  to  return,  but  the  letter  failed  to 
reach  him  until  six  months  after  its  date,  and  the 
church,  meanwhile,  had  sought  a  minister  elsewhere. 
Attention  had  been  drawn  to  Rev.  George  Bush,  a 
licentiate   of   the  Presbytery  of   New    York,    then    at 


Morristown,  New  Jersey.  He  was  invited  to  visit  the 
church,  and  in  coiirpliance  therewith,  arrived  here  on 
the  Uth  of  July,  1S24,  beai'ing  the  commission  of  the 
General  Assembly  as  a  Missionary. 

Mr.  Bush  entered  immediately  upon  his  labors, 
which  met  with  such  acceptance  that  in  September  fol- 
lowing, he  was  unanimously  called  to  the  pastoral 
charge  of  the  church,  at  a  salary  of  8400.  The  church 
had  now  been  transferred  to  the  Presbytery  of  Salem, 
and  Mr.  Bush  was  ordained  and  installed  by  a  com- 
mittee of  that  body,  on  March  5th,  1S25,  the  service 
being  held  in  the  Court  House,  as  the  new  church  was 
at  that  time  receiving  some  finishing  touches.  Mr. 
Bush  attended  the  General  Assembly  of  that  year  as  a 
commissioner,  and  on  his  return  in  July,  brought  his 
wife  with  him,  to  whom  he  had  been  married  in  his 
absence  from  his  charge. 

In  Novemlter,  lS2ri,  the  Session  was  enlarged  by  the 
election  to  the  eldership  of  Messrs.  Ebenezer  Sharpe. 
John  G.  Brown  and  John  Johnston. 

The  years  1827  and  '2S  were  a  season  of  severe  trial. 
Although  Mr.  Bush  at  his  ordination,  had  given  full 
assent  to  the  Form  of  Government  of  the  Presbyterian 
Church,  it  is  not  easy  to  see  how  he  could  have  done 
so  sincerely.  It  came  to  light  that  he  had  previously 
expressed  doubts  as  to  the  scripture  warrant  for  that 
system,  and  soon  after  his  settlement,  i'retjuently  and 
boldly  denounced  it  from  the  pulpit  as  contrary  to  the 
law  of  Christ.  This  gave  the  Session  much  concern. 
They  remonstrated  with   the  pastor,  and  being  uiiwill- 

HISTORICAL   I)  IS  cor  BSE.  7 

ing  to  proceed  to  extremities  in  view  of  his  general  ac- 
ceiitableness  and  ability,  thej^  besought  him  to  with- 
hold the  exjiression  of  his  views  in  public  ;  but  to  this 
he  would  not  consent.  In  'April,  1S27,  he  was  requested 
by  the  Home  Missionary  Society  to  visit  the  East,  for 
the  purpose  of  exhibiting  the  needs  of  the  West,  and 
arousing  interest  in  its  behalf.  Before  leaving  he  ad- 
dressed an  elaborate  communication  to  the  Session,  in 
which  he  set  forth  his  views  of  the  scrijiture  idea  of 
church  government.  Dr.  Coe,  in  his  record  of  the  fact, 
says,  "the  jjlan  thus  embodied  was  not  like  any  system 
on  earth,"  During  Mr.  Bush's  absence,  which  contin- 
ued until  October,  a  very  elaborate  correspondence  on 
the  matter  in  controversy  was  maintained  between  the 
Session  and  himself,  in  which  the  polemic  talent  of 
Dr,  Coe,  and  the  classic  pen  of  Eljenezer  Sharpe,  did  val- 
iant service  for  the  truth. 

Finally,  after  Mr,  Bush's  return,  the  church  ap- 
plied to  the  Presbytery  of  Wabash,  to  which  it  had 
been  transferred,  for  a  dissolution  of  the  pastoral  rela- 
tion. The  Presbytery  assembled  and  dissolved  the  re- 
lation, Mr,  Bush  carried  the  case  by  complaint  to  the 
Synod.  The  Synod  ratified  the  act  of  the  Presbytery. 
Mr.  Bush  angrily  and  defiantly  avowed  his  determina- 
tion not  to  leave  the  field  ;  and  for  nearly  a  year,  still 
claiming  to  he  pastor  of  this  church,  he  preached  in 
the  Court  House,  being  sustained  by  a  suliscription  of 
non-professors,  and  members  of  unevangelical  bodies. 
His  supporters  finally  wearied  of  this  burden,  and  in 
March,  1829,  he  left  for  the  East  and  returned  no  more. 


He  never  sought  another  pastoral  charge.  Several 
years  were  spent  in  the  Hebrew  professorship  of  the 
University  of  Xew  York,  and  in  the  service  of  the 
American  Bible  Society,  for  both  whicli  positions  liis 
great  attainments  in  oriental  literature  eminently 
fitted  him.  But  finally  he  gave  the  strongest  possible 
proof  of  the  wisdom  of  the  first  Session  of  this  church, 
in  obtaining  a  severance  from  him,  by  adopting  the 
faith  of  Swedenborgianism.  He  held  to  the  vagaries 
of  that  system  until  his  death,  which  occurred  in  1S59, 
at  the  age  of  63  years. 

With  fine  talents  and  large  attainments,  Mr.  Bush 
lacked  that  balance  of  mind  which  insures  steadfast- 
ness of  purpose ;  and  by  the  death  of  his  wife,  which 
occurred  at  an  early  period  in  her  married  life,  he  was 
deprived  of  an  infiuence  that  was  eminently  conserva- 
tive and  restraining,  in  the  quarter  where  he  liiost 
needed  it. 

In  October,  1828.  nearly  a  year  before  Mr  Bush's 
withdrawal,  Kev.  John  R.  Moreland,  of  the  Presbytery 
of  West  Lexington,  Kentucky,  accepted  a  Call  to  the 
vacant  pastorate,  though  no  record  is  found  of  the  date 
of  his  installation.  Pie  had  enjoyed  no  early  oppor- 
tunities of  education,  not  even  learning  to  read  until 
he  was  eighteen  years  of  age.  Several  years  of  liis 
early  manhood  were  sj^ent  as  a  flat-boatman  on  west- 
ern rivers.  Of  course  he  did  not  enter  the  ministry 
until  comparatively  late  in  life.  His  preaching,  natu- 
rally, was  not  characterized  by  polish  of  diction  or  the 
graces   of   oratory,   but   did   abound   in   a   rugged  and 

7//.V  TOBIL  'A  L   DISC  0  I  'BSE.  9 ' 

pointed  eloquence  that  was  not  destitute  of  inipressive- 
ness  and  effect.  He  also  by  laborious  and  conscientious 
study,  overcame  in  a  great  degree,  the  disadvantage 
of  lack  of  early  training,  and  beside  much  general 
information,  acijuired  a  very  respectable  knowledge  of 
the  original  languages  of  the  scriptures. 

The  church,  while  Mr.  Bush  was  preaching  in  the- 
Court  House,  had  held  no  services  except  by  occasional 
supplies,  and  the  membership  had,  to  some  extent,  be- 
come scattered  and  disheartened.  Mr.  Moreland  gath- 
ered the  elements  together  again,  and  by  the  blessing 
of  God  upon  his  energetic  labors  in  and  out  of  the  pul- 
pit, the  church  was  revived  and  strengthened.  During 
the  first  eighteen  months  of  liis  ministry,  sixty  persons 
were  added  to  the  cliurch,  making  the  total  member- 
ship exactly  one  hundred.  His  valuaVile  labors  were 
terminated  by  death,  after  a  pastorate  of  less  than 
three  years,  on  the  13th  of  October,  1S32.  It  was  dur- 
ing his  ministry  that  the  venerable  James  Blake,  now 
gone  to  his  rest,  and  James  M.  Ray,  co-workers  in  the 
vineyard  for  so  many  years,  united  with  the  church  by 
a  public  profes^ion  of  faith. 

Rev.  William  A.  Holliday  served  the  church  as 
Stated  .Supply  for  two  years  from  February,  1S33, 
During  most  of  the  remainder  of  his  life  he  was  a 
worshipper  in  this  congregation.  He  died  December 
16th,  L^GT),  and  by  his  liberal  benefactions  to  the  cause 
of  christian  education,  l>y  the  memory  of  his  upright 
life,  and  Christ-like  spirit,  "he,  being  dead,  yet  speak- 


In  September,  lSo4,  Eev.  James  W.  McKennan,  of 
Western  Pennsylvania,  visited  tlie  church  by  invita- 
tion, and  his  labors  proving  acceptable  and  useful,  he 
was  installed  as  pastor  on  the  16th  of  June,  1835. 
When  he  became  a  subject  of  renewing  grace,  he  was 
pursuing  the  study  of  law,  but  from  a  conviction  of 
duty,  abandoned  further  preparation  for  that  jirofes- 
sion,  and  devoted  himself  to  the  ministry.  He  is  de- 
scribed as  a  man  of  sincere  and  eminent  piety,  of  re- 
spectable attainments,  not  brilliant  in  his  pulpit  efforts, 
but  sound,  instructive  and  edifying.  His  connection 
with  the  church  was  terminated  at  his  own  request,  for 
what  cause  is  not  recorded,  in  April,  1830,  though  at 
the  earnest  request  of  the  church,  he  continued  to  serve 
as  Stated  Supply  until  the  following  (Jctober,  when  he 
accepted  a  call  to  the  church  of  Circleville,  (Jhio.  Sub- 
sequently, he  was  settled  over  several  other  churches, 
and  for  several  years  filled  a  chair  in  Washington 
College,  Pennsylvania.  His  laborious  and  useful  life 
was  terminated  at  the  age  of  57,  on  the  19th  of  July, 

During  Mr.  McKennan's  ministry  here  of  al)Out 
five  years,  one  hundred  and  forty  were  added  to  tlie 
church,  among  whom  were  some  who  are  still  beaiing 
the  burden  and  heat  of  the  day  in  this  same  vineyai'd  ; 
and  yet,  when  Mr.  McKennan  resigned  his  charge,  the 
entire  membership  numbered  Init  one  hundred  and 
thirty.  Three  causes  help  to  account  ibr  this  iact. 
Death  had  transferred  many  to  tlie  church  aViove  ;  a 
.iiumlier  of  others  had   removed  bevond  the  bounds  of 


this  church,  and  durhig  this  ministry  a  number  had 
withdrawn  to  form  the  first  Episcopal  cluu'ch  organized 
in  the  town.  Their  preferences,  and  the  membership 
of  some,  had  previously  been  with  that  body ;  but  as 
long  as  no  church  of  their  first  choice  existed  here, 
they  wisely  gave  thtir  aid  and  intiuence  to  that  organ- 
ization where  tliey  could  be  most  comfortable  and  use- 
fttl.  And  also  during  the  same  year,  (1837,)  that  great 
division  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  occurred,  catising 
two  branches,  known  tmtil  the  happy  re-union  in  ISfiy, 
as  the  Old  and  the  Xew  School.  This  church,  like 
many  others,  felt  the  eft'ect  of  that  concussion,  and 
fifteen  memViers,  (eleven  males  and  fotir  females,)  with- 
drew and  formed  the  organization  now  known  as  the 
Second  Presbyterian  Chiu'ch,  the  original  one  from 
that  time  taking  the  designation  of  the  First. 

It  is  gratifying  to  state  that  while  many  similar  di- 
visions of  churches  at  that  time  resulted  in  bickerings, 
strife  and  even  litigation,  nothing  of  the  kind  occurred 
here.  The  .seceding  party  asked  for  a  jitst  and  equitable 
division  of  the  church  property,  and  appointed  two  of 
their  number,  Messrs.  Daniel  Yandes  and  Samuel  Mer- 
rill, to  represent  them  in  the  negotiation.  Dr.  Isaac 
€oe  and  Mr.  James  M.  Kay,  were  appointed  a  similar 
committee  on  the  }>art  of  this  church.  A  basis  ol 
action  was  readily  agreed  tipon,  and  the  transaction 
completed  to  the  sati>faction  of  both  parties,  in  a  fra- 
ternal and  christian  manner.  How  good  and  how 
pleasant  it  is  to  be  able  to  say.  that  from  that  day  to 
this,  no  root  of  I'ittei'ness.  no  envv  or  uncharitableness 


has  sprung  up  between  the  venerable  mother  and  the 
hiving  daughtei",  now  herself  developed  into  healthful 
and  active  maturity.  In  locality,  it  has  happened  that 
they  have  always  been,  and  are  still  likely  long  to 
be,  near  neighbors.  In  faith  and  zeal  and  efficient 
working  for  Christ,  may  they  always  be  found,  side  by 
side,  striving  together  against  the  common  Enemy,  for 
the  salvation  of  souls,  and  the  glory  of  God. 

From  October  1839,  the  time  of  Mr.  McKennan's 
de2:)arture,  until  the  beginning  of  the  following  year, 
the  church  had  no  regular  supply.  In  January,  ls40, 
Rev.  Samttel  Fulton,  a  licentiate,  was  engaged  for  the 
period  of  three  months.  At  the  expiration  of  that 
time  he  was  unanimously  called  to  the  pastoral  charge, 
but  being  apprehensive  that  his  health  would  not  en- 
dure this  climate,  he  desired  that  the  Call  should  not 
be  prosecuted. 

In  seeking  their  next  pastor,  the  chttrch  made  ap- 
plication to  the  Professors  of  Princeton  Theological 
.Seminary,  and  asked  to  Vie  recommended  to  a  suitable 
man  among  the  students  about  to  graduate.  They 
were  put  in  correspondence  with  Rev.  Phineas  D.  Gur- 
ley,  a  licentiate  of  the  Presbytery  of  North  River,  New 
York,  who  was  accordingly  invited  to  supply  the 
church  for  the  period  of  six  months.  Mr.  Gurley  ac- 
cepted the  invitation,  and  arrived  on  the  ground  in 
October,  1S40.  When  only  two  months  of  the  term 
had  expired,  he  received  a  unanimous  Call  to  the  jias- 
toral  care  of  the  church.  It  was  accepted,  and  the 
installation  took  place  on   December  loth,  1S40.     This 


relation  continued  until  November,  1849,  being  a  few 
days  short  of  nine  years,  when  it  was  dissolved  at  Mr. 
Gurley's  request,  he  having  accepted  a  Call  to  the  First 
Church  of  Dayton,  Ohio. 

It  is  a  notowortliy  fact  that  the  fourth  pastorate 
was,  by  a  little  over  six  months,  the  longest  that  has 
existed  in  this  church  to  this  day,  that  of  Dr.  Nixon, 
the  seventh,  being  next.  The  result  of  Dr.  Gurley's 
ministiy,  (that  degree  being  subseijuently  conferred 
upon  him,)  were  alike  strengthening  to  the  church,  and 
creditable  to  himself.  Seasons  of  revival  were  repeat- 
edly enjoyed  during  his  ministry,  some  of  the  fruits  of 
which  still  continue  among  us.     , 

Dr.  Gurley  was  ranked  among  the  able  men  of  his 
day  in  our  church,  though  probably  very  few  have  had 
less  reason  to  com})lain  of  being  rated  below  their 
worth.  In  his  preaching  he  was  clear  and  practical  :  in 
his  utterances  solemn  and  deliberate:  and  not  being 
a  specially  ready  speaker,  he  was  accustomed  to  write 
his  sermons  in  full,  and  deliver  them  from  the  manu- 
script. His  voice,  naturally  deep  and  mellow,  was  im- 
proved by  diligent  musical  cultivotion,  and  lent  its 
charm  to  the  general  efi'ect.  In  his  several  pastoral 
charges  he  enjoyed  a  more  than  average  degree  of  poji- 
ularity.  Beside  the  merit  of  his  preaching,  his  social 
manners  were  afi'able,  though  always  dignified;  his 
piety  was  warm  and  earnest,  and  his  heart  responsive 
to  every  call  of  sympathy.  These  traits  made  him  wel- 
come both  to  the  i)ul|)its  of  his  brethren  and  the  tire- 
sides    of    his   peo}>le.       lie    was   called    away    in    the 


zenith  of  his  power,  while  filling  his  third  pastoral 
charge,  that  of  the  F  Street  Church,  in  the  city  of 
Washington.  He  died  at  his  home  in  that  city,  on  the 
30th  of  .September,  1S6S,  at  the  age  of  51. 

In  the  first  year  of  Dr.  Gurley's  ministry,  it  became 
evident  that  the  frame  church  building  on  Pennsyl- 
vania street  was  "too  strait"  for  the  congregation,  and 
measures  were  adopted  looking  to  the  erection  of  a 
larger  house,  and  in  a  more  eligible  locality.  The 
building  and  lot  were  transferred  to  Dr.  Isaac  Coe,  for 
$250  in  cash,  and  lot  14,  in  block  45,  which  was 
adopted  as  the  site  of  the  new  house,  being  the  North- 
east corner  of  IMarket-  and  Circle  Streets,  now  occupied 
by  the  Printing  House  of  the  Indianapolis  Journal 
Company.  A  plan  for  the  proposed  church  was  pre- 
pared by  Mr.  John  Elder,  and  a  Building  Committee 
appointed,  consisting  of  Messrs.  Coe,  Sheets,  Blake, 
Blythe  and  Elder.  The  house  was  to  be  of  brick. 
The  corner-stone  was  laid  with  due  ceremony,  on  the 
7th  day  of  October,  liS41,  and  the  building  was  sol- 
emnly dedicated  to  the  worship  and  service  of  Al- 
mighty God,  on  the  6th  day  of  May,  1S43.  The 
sermon  was  preached  by  the  pastor,  a  portion  of  which, 
with  the  prayer  of  dedication,  is  preserved  among  the 
Records  of  the  Congregation. 

The  edifice  of  which  we  have  been  speaking,  and 
of  the  final  disposal  of  which,  in  1800^  it  will  be  ap- 
propriate to  speak  in  another  place,  is  hallowed  in  the 
memory  of  many  of  you  as  the  theatre  of  four  succes- 
sive and  able  pastorates,  in  each  of  which  the  ministry 


of  the  word  was  made  cftective,  not  only  by  the  ordi- 
nary, but  also  by  extraordinary  manifestations  of  the 
power  of  God's  Spirit,  in  the  renewing  of  his  people^ 
and  the  conversion  of  sinners. 

At  Dr.  Gurley's  resignation,  the  .Session  consisted  of 
the  following  elders :  Dr.  Isaac  Coe,  Caleb  Scudder; 
John  Johnston,  James  Blake,  James  M.  Bay  and 
Samuel  Bigger,  the  last  of  whom  was  elected  while 
Governor  of  the  State 

Rev.  Charles  S.  Mills,  Principal  of  a  Female  .Semi- 
nary in  the  town,  supplied  the  pulpit  with  acceptance, 
from  November,  1849,  until  September  of  the  following 

The  Session  having  become  weakened  by  the  re- 
moval of  several  of  its  members,  Messrs.  Charles  Ax- 
tell,  (who  subsequently  entered  the  ministry,)  Horatio 
C.  ^Newcomb  and  Thoma>  H.  Sharpe,  were,  on  Febru- 
ary 27th,  1S5U,  elected  elders,  Mr.  Axtell,  however, 
having  been  previously  ordained  to  the  office  in 
another  congregation. 

In  September,  ISol,  while  the  church  was  still  des- 
titute of  a  pastor,  twenty-one  members,  including 
elders  Scudder,  Blake  and  Xewcomb,  requested  letters 
of  dismission,  for  the  purpose  of  organizing  another 
church.  The  reijue>t  was  granted,  and  the  organiza- 
tion soon  after  effected  l)y  a  Committee  of  the  Presby- 
tery of  Muncie.  Twenty  additional  members  with- 
drew soon  after  to  aid  the  new  organization.  This  was 
the  origin  of  the  Third  Presbyterian  Church  of  In- 
dianapolis,   which    has    now  just    completed    the   25th 


year  of  its  existence.  The  many  tokens  of  the  Divine 
favor  it  has  enjoyed,  and  tlie  prosperity  and  usefulness 
it  has  attained  show  conclusively  that  it  was  founded 
in  accordance  with  the  will  of  God  ;  and  in  a  probable 
new  locality,  an  enlarged  sphere  of  active  usefulness 
seems  to  be  opening  before  it. 

In  the  fall  of  the  same  year,  (1851,)  a  Call  to  the 
pastoral .  charge  was  addressed  to  Rev.  John  A.  Mc- 
Clung,  of  the  Presbytery  of  Ebenezer,  Kentucky,  which 
was  accepted,  and  the  installation  effected  on  the  last 
day  of  the  year.  Dr.  McClung's  ministry  of  nearly 
four  years,  (he  received  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Divin- 
ity after  leaving  this  charge,)  resulted  in  a  large  in- 
crease to  the  membership  of  the  church,  and  uniformly 
drew  to  it  the  strangers  in  the  city,  and  very  fre- 
quently the  prominent  and  resident  members  of  the 
bar,  connected  with  other  congregations,  or  with  none. 
The  iSession  was  also  enlarged  during  his  ministry  by 
the  election  of  the  late  William  Sheets,  and  Thomas 
Maclntire,  in  1854  ;  the  latter  having  been  ordained  to 
the  office  in  Columbus,  Oliio. 

Dr.  McClung  exists  in  the  memory  of  many  of  you 
as  a  character  marked  by  strong  and  notable  traits. 
The  present  occasion  admits  of  nothing  more  than 
the  merest  outline  of  his  remarkable  and  eventful  life. 
He  was  converted  at  the  age  of  16,  while  absent  from 
home  at  school,  and  from  a  deep  conviction  of  duty, 
soon  resolved  on  devoting  his  life  to  the  service  of 
God   in    the   ministry.      Accordingly,    he   entered   the 


Theological  Seminary  at  Princeton,  at  the  age  of  18; 
but  ill  health,  growing  out  of  injudicious  medical  treat- 
ment during  a  severe  illness  while  at  scliool,  compelled 
him  to  withdraw  after  an  attendance  of  eighteen 
months.  He  pursued  his  .■studies  however  in  private, 
as  his  health  permitted,  and  in  l!S2S,  was  licensed  by 
the  Presbytery  of  Ebenezer.  He  at  once  took  high 
rank  as  a  preacher,  and  the  stronge>t  hopes  were  en- 
tertained of  his  usefulness  and  success.  But  these 
hopes  were  soon  Vilighted.  In  his  extensive  reading  he 
included  some  infidel  works,  and  finding  himself  un- 
able to  an.swer  some  of  Gibbon's  arguments,  and  not 
taking  into  account  his  own  youthfulness,  and  com- 
jjaratively  small  mental  discipline,  he  imbibed  douVjts  of 
the  genuineness  and  authenticity  of  the  Scriptures. 
With  his  characteristic  candor,  he  laid  the  matter  be- 
fore the  Presbytery,  and  asked  leave  to  surrender  his 
license.  The  Presbytery  could  not  refuse  the  request, 
btit  treated  the  case  with  all  possible  gentleness,  espe- 
cially luider  the  advice  of  a  venerable  member,  who 
declared  his  conviction  that  Mr.  Mc<_'lung  would  yet 
see  his  error,  and  return.  He  now  directed  his  atten- 
tion to  the  study  of  law,  and  in  due  time  entered  upon 
the  practice  of  that  prol'ession,  in  the  city  of  jMaysville, 
Kentucky,  where  he  pursued  it  for  fifteen  years. 
During  that  period  he  attained  a  prominent  rank 
among  the  ablest  advocates  in  the  State,  and  also  ren- 
dered valuable  service  in  the  Legislature,  filling  the 
Speaker's  chair  during  four  several  terms. 


But  during  this  period  of  mental  activity  and  grow- 
ing reputation,  his  mind  was  not  at  ease  as  to  the 
claims  of  Christianity  upon  him.  He  had  never  been 
an  iniidel  in  the  broad  sense.  He  had  never  wholly 
ceased  enquiry  as  to  the  divine  origin  of  Christianity, 
and  finding  nothing  in  the  works  of  infidels  conclusive 
against  it,  he  was  through  all  the  years  of  his  legal 
practice,  the  prey  of  a  harrowing  anxiety  and  doubt. 
But  he  never  lost  his  respect  for  religion,  nor  failed  to 
treat  and  speak  of  it  with  reverence.  Finally,  in  1848, 
Rev.  Dr.  Grundy,  pastor  of  the  church  in  Maysville, 
while  preaching  upon  one  of  the  points  that  had  for- 
merly disturbed  Mr.  McClung's  faith,  was  led  to  draw  the 
bow  at  a  venture,  and  send  an  arrow  that  wounded 
this  strong  man  between  the  joints  of  the  harness. 
Not  so,  however,  as  to  bring  him  at  once  a  willing  cap- 
tive to  the  feet  of  Jesus,  but  to  induce  him  once  more 
to  review  the  grounds  upon  which  he  had,  long  years 
before,  surrendered  his  faith  in  the  scriptures.  He  felt 
that  the  habits  of  investigation  he  had  acquired  at  the 
bar,  with  his  enlarged  resources  and  increased  mental 
discipline,  would  enable  him  to  pursue  such  an  in- 
vestigation, at  least  with  more  satisfaction  to  himself 
than  he  had  done  in  earlier  life.  He  also  became  ac- 
quainted for  the  first  time  with  a  work  by  an  eminent 
Scotch  jurist,  in  which  (Gibbon's  arguments  were  an- 
swered, and  his  mi.s-<iuotations  and  sophisms  exposed. 
Under  these  circumstances  he  addressed  himself  again 
to  the  great  problem  before  him  with  all  the  power  of 
his   rapid,   comprehensive  and  disciplined  mind.     The 


labors  of  his  profession  compelled  him  to  pursue  these 
exhausting  studies,  for  the  most  part,  in  the  hours 
when  nature  demanded  repose.  The  "midnight  oil' 
illumined  them,  and  not  seldom  burned  on  until  ex- 
tinguished by  the  dawn.  The  struggle  was  long  and 
the  conflict  terrible.  But  the  result  was  the  inevitable 
one,  when  a  candid  and  earnest  seeker  after  truth  ap- 
plies himself  in  humility  and  sincerity,  to  learn  the 
mind  of  God  from  his  revealed  will.  His  skepticism 
vanished  :  a  light  beyond  the  brightness  of  the  sun 
shone  round  about  him  ;  the  scales  fell  from  his  eyes, 
and  his  prostrated  soul  put  forth  the  agonizing  cry, 
"  Lord  what  wilt  thou  have  me  to  do?"  With  the  re- 
turn of  his  early  faith,  his  early  convictions  of  duty 
also  retiu'ned,  although  it  was  a  pecuniary  sacrifice  of 
no  small  extent  to  relinquish  the  income  his  profession 
was  yielding.  But  he  was  not  one  to  count  the  cost, 
where  convictions  of  duty  were  concerned.  He  ap- 
plied to  Presbytery  for  license  to  preach  the  gospel. 
He  was  licensed  accordingly,  and  returned  to  the  work 
of  the  ministry,  with  more  than  his  old-time  zeal  and 
earnestness,  first  as  a  temporary  supply  of  one  of  the 
churches  of  tlie  city  of  Louisville.  His  ministrations 
took  strong  hold  of  the  }iublic  mind  at  once,  and  at 
the  close  of  that  temporary  engagement,  he  accepted 
tlie  Call  of  this  cliurch. 

To  those  of  you  who  were  privileged  to  enjoy  his 
ministry,  the  characteristics  of  it  are  freshly  borne  in 
mind.  You  remember  his  plain,  direct,  colloquial 
style,  never  obscuring  the  simplicity  of  the  gospel  in  the 


vanity  of  a  showy  rhetoric,  V»ut  always  presenting  tlw 
thoiKjlii,  with  clearness  and  force.  As  he  had  him- 
self passed  through  a  terriV^le  spiritual  conflict,  his 
discourses,  to  a  great  degree,  took  their  complexion 
from  it.  They  were,  perhaps  imperceptibly  on  his  part, 
largely  addressed  to  the  skeptical  nrind,  and  often  em- 
bodied an  affluence  of  scripture  knowledge  of  massive 
logic,  and  fervent  appeal  that  could  not  fail  to  shake 
the  citadel  of  unbeliei'.  He  also  delighted  in  the  dis 
covery  of  correlations  between  the  Old  Testament  and 
the  Xew,  and  some  of  his  expositions  of  that  kind 
were  striking  and  attractive  in  the  extreme.  In  the 
winter  of  1S54-5,  he  devoted  the  Sabbath  evening  ser- 
vices for  several  weeks  to  a  course  of  lectures  on  the 
prophecy  of  Daniel,  whicli  filled  the  old  church  to  re- 
pletion, and  elicited  profoinid  interest  in  the  commu- 

But  failing  health  compelled  him  in  ISno,  to  resign 
his  charge,  to  which,  after  long  hesitation,  the  church 
gave  a  reluctant  assent.  A  winter  in  the  South,  be- 
fore resigning  his  charge,  failed  to  benefit  him.  and  on 
withdrawing  from  this  church,  he  resolved  to  try  the 
colvl  dry  and  bracing  air  of  jNIinnesota.  That  climate 
so  far  restored  him  that  he  felt  able  after  a  I'espite  of  a 
year  or  two,  to  I'esunie  the  ministry,  and  was  unani- 
mously invited  to  the  pastoral  charge  of  the  church  of 
IMaysville,  Kentucky,  and  was  instalknl  in  .lune.  bs57. 
His  labors  were  largely  blessed  in  an  increase  both  of 
the  membership  and  the  spirituality  of  tlie  church  ; 
;irid  the  singular  compliment   was  fi'e(|ttcntly  )xiid  him 


by  the  ministers  of  otlier  denominations,  of  ilisjiensing 
with  their  own  Sahbath  evening  services,  that  they  and 
their  congregations  miglit  enjoy  the  i)rivilege  of  hear- 
ing him. 

But  after  an  earnest  and  faithi\il  ministry  of  two 
years  there,  liis  healtli  again  became  i>recarious,  and  a 
period  of  rest  and  recreation  indispensible.  He  ac- 
cordingly left  home  on  the  3d  of  August,  1859,  and  on 
Friday  the  5th,  arrived  at  Tonawanda,  a  village  on  the 
Niagara  River,  about  nine  miles  above  the  Falls,  intend- 
ing to  spend  the  Sabbath  there.  But  learning  there 
was  no  Presbyterian  church  in  that  village,  he  started 
on  Saturday  afternoon,  the  6th,  to  walk  to  the  town  of 
Niagara,  as  is  supposed,  with  a  view  of  spending  the 
Sabbath  there.  Being  an  exjjert  swimmer,  and  much 
addicted  to  bathing  in  cold  water,  tlie  clear  broad 
stream  beside  his  path,  hel<l  out  an  invitation  he  could 
not  resist.  He  was  a  stranger  in  that  locality,  and  no 
friendly  voice  was  at  hand  to  warn  him  tliat  those  still 
waters  tlowed  with  invincible  power,  as  if  gathering 
strength  for  their  final  plunge.  He  entered  the  stream. 
What  followed  then — whether  some  physical  debility 
paralyzed  him,  or  whether  after  a  vigorous  and  manly 
struggle  witli  the  mighty  current  he  was  finally  over- 
come, or  what  thoughts  coursed  through  his  brain 
when  a  sense  of  his  awful  situation  Hashed  upon  him — 
can  never  be  known.  This  only  is  known.  He  was 
swept  on  and  over  that  fearful  cataract,  and  his  bruised 
and  larcerated  body  was,  some  days  after,  rescued 
from   the  whirling  eddies  miles  below,  and  committed 


to  the  grave  by  stranger  hands.  Not  there  to  rest, 
however;  loving  friends  of  his  congregation  traced  out 
his  obscure  grave,  and  bore  his  honored  remains  to 
tlieir  tinal  rest,  amid  the  scenes  of  his  youth,  and  of 
the  labors  of  his  latest  years. 

Dr.  McClung's  connection  with  this  church  ceased  in 
October,  1855,  and  it  was  without  a  pastor,  though  not 
■without  almost  regular  supplies  for  the  pulpit,  until 
December,  1856.  In  the  meantime,  Calls  had  been 
given  to  two  ministers ;  one  to  Kev.  Alexander  R. 
Thompson,  of  Staten  Island,  New  York,  who  intimated 
his  acceptance,  but  felt  constrained  to  withdraw  it  on 
account  of  the  destruction  by  tire  of  his  library,  manu- 
scripts and  most  of  his  personal  property.  The  other 
to  Rev.  Robert  S.  Hitchcock,  of  Baltimore,  who  filled 
the  pulpit  several  .Sabbaths,  but  declined  the  Call. 

In  November,  1850,  Rev.  (now  I)r.)  Thomas  M.  Cun- 
ningham, of  Carrondolet,  Missouri,  a  minister  of  the 
Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  Church,  having  re- 
solved to  change  his  relation,  visited  us  by  invitation, 
and  spent  several  Sabbaths.  On  the  12th  of  December, 
a  unanimous  Call  was  made  for  his  pastoral  services, 
which,  after  some  delay,  owing  to  other  Calls  made  to 
him,  he  accepted,  and  was  installed  on  the  7th  of  May, 
1857.  He  was  in  the  vigor  of  his  manhood,  fervid  and 
impassioned  in  his  style  of  preaching,  and  at  times 
profoundly  impressive.  His  ministry  was  owned  of 
Ood,  and  large  accessions  were  made  to  the  member- 
ship, especialljr  from  among  the  young,  and  for  the  first 
time  the  need  of  a  larger  house  of  worship  began  to 


be  perceived  and  discussed.  Dr.  Cunningham  with- 
drew in  May,  ISGU,  after  a  service  of  three  years,  hav- 
ing accepted  a  call  to  the  South  Church  of  Chicago. 
Subsequently,  he  was  settled  for  several  years  over  the 
Alexander  Church  of  Philadelphia,  where  his  labors 
were  also  greatly  blest.  He  is  now  the  useful  and  ef- 
ficient pastor  of  the  Central  Church  of  San  Francisco. 

During  Dr.  Cunningham's  pastorate,  (in  1859,)  it 
was  deemed  exi;>edient  to  establish  a  (Terman  Presby- 
terian Church.  By  the  aid  of  a  legacy  left  for  benevo- 
lent purposes  by  Mr.  Benjamin  J.  Blythe,  a  former 
deacon  of  the  church,  a  lot  was  purchased  on  f^outh 
New  Jersey  Street,  and  a  neat  brick  building  erected. 
The  legacy  of  Mr.  Blythe  was  supplemented  by  dona- 
tions from  this  church,  ami  the  enterprise  was  set  on 
foot  even  to  the  installation  of  a  German  i>astor,  with  in- 
dications of  permanence  and  usefulness.  It  was  styled 
the  "  Fifth  Presbyterian  Church,  German."  From  causes 
not  necessary  to  specify  here,  the  liopes  that  were 
formed  of  the  success  and  usefulness  of  this  enterprise, 
were  not  realized,  and  after  a  trial  of  about  two  years, 
it  was  abandoned,  the  property  sold,  and  the  proceeds 
converted  to  other  benevolent  and  religious  uses. 

Dr.  Cunningham's  pastorate  closed  as  already 
stated,  in  May,  1S60,  and  the  church  remained  vacant 
until  the  following  January,  when  Eev.  J.  Howard 
Nixon,  of  the  Presbytery  of  Newcastle,  responded  to  a 
Call  addressed  to  him  in  the  previous  December,  and 
entered  ujaon  his  labors.  Owing,  however,  to  precarious 
health,  he  did  not  fully  accej^t  the  Call  until  after  three 


months'  service,  and  his  instalhition  took  phice  on  the 
17th  of  April,  ISCil.  As  a  very  consideraMe  number  of 
you  enjoyed  the  i)rivilege  of  sitting  under  his  ministry, 
it  is  not  necessary  to  speak  of  it  at  length.  You  re- 
member that  his  sermons  were  rich  in  evangelical 
truth,  sound  and  instructive  in  their  bearing  on  christian 
doctrine,  in  their  practical  relations  always  fresh  and 
appropriate,  and  the  tlioughts  clothed  in  elo<juent 
and  impressive  language.  God's  truth  as  dispensed 
from  the  lips  of  this  able  preacher  did  not  return 
unto  him  void.  The  average  annual  increase  of  mem- 
bersh*>  during  his  pastorate,  was  greater  than  in 
that  of  any  former  one ;  and  as  the  population  of 
the  city  experienced  a  very  rapid  increase  also  dur- 
ing that  period,  it  is  almost  certain  the  membership  of 
the  church  would  have  been  still  more  enlarged,  if 
more  sitting  room  had  been  available.  It  was  com- 
mon in  those  days  to  decline  applications  for  sittings 
because  there  were  none  to  grant.  This  state  of  things 
coiild  not  be  allowed  to  continue.  Accordingly,  meas- 
ures that  had  to  some  extent  been  discussed  during 
Dr.  Cunningham's  pastorate,  looking  to  an  enlarge- 
ment of  the  building  in  Iront,  were  again  brought  up 
and  after  full  examination,  with  plans  and  estimates 
were  decided  to  be  inexpedient.  At  a  congregational 
meeting  held  on  the  Kith  of  March,  18<i3,  it  was  ac- 
cordingly resolved  to  erect  a  new  house  of  worship 
upon  the  same  site,  enlarging  it  by  purchase  of  two 
lots  adjoining  on  the  north.  The  plan  thus  formed 
was,  ])ei'haps  providentially,  delayed   in   tlie  execution, 

ins  TO  B  TCA  L   DIS(  0  URSE.  25 

by  the  disturbed  state  of  tlie  cotnnumity.  growing  out 
of  the  WAV.  and  by  the  ra}nd  increase  in  the  price  oi 
buikling  material  and  labor.  After  the  lapse  of  one 
year,  it  was  thought  practicable  to  commence  active 
operations,  and  in  the  meantime  it  had  become  appar- 
ent that  V)usiness  was  encroaching  upon  the  "  <_'ircle," 
that  the  current  of  population  was  setting  northward, 
and  that  the  old  site  was  no  longer  desirable  for  the 
same  purposes.  At  a  congregational  meeting  held  on 
the  8th  of  March,  1804,  the  subject  was  fully  discussed, 
the  present  site  was  recommended,  and  information 
given  that  it  could  be  purchased  for  $22,o00.  The 
meeting  approved   the  site,  and  ordered  the  purchase. 

In  the  following  year  the  church  property  was  sold 
to  the  printing  and  publishing  firm  of  Holloway,  Doug- 
lass A"  Co.,  for  $1S,UU0,  with  reservation  of  the  bell, 
pews  and  furniture,  and  the  privilege  of  continuing 
occupancy  until  the  first  of  April,  ISt'itV  On  that  day, 
being  the  Sabbath,  Mr.  Nixon  i^reached  a  discourse 
embracing  the  history  of  the  church  from  its  organiza- 
tion to  that  time.  The  afternoon  was  devoted  to  a 
Sabbath  School  commemoration.  Mr.  James  M.  Ray 
presented  a  written  narrative  of  that  branch  of  the 
church  work  from  the  beginning;  the  School  of  the 
Third  Clwirch,  with  its  teachers  and  otticers  uniting  in 
tlie  exercises.  In  tlie  evening  a  re-union  of  this  and 
the  Third  Church  was  held  ;  the  services  were  of  an 
informal  character,  and  several  of  the  older  members 
of  churches  of  other  denominations  took  part  in  them. 

These   were   the  last   reliLnous   services   in    the    old 


church,  and  celebrate'l  the  exodus  of  the  congregation 
from  its  walls,  after  an  occupancy  of  twenty-three 
years.  The  work  of  demolition  was  begun  on  the  fol- 
lowing day,  and  in  a  very  short  time  not  one  stone 
was  left  upon  another,  of  what  was,  in  its  day,  the 
largest  and  finest  house  of  worship  in  the  State. 

In  tlie  meantime,  the  new  chapel,  or  Lecture  Room, 
had  been  begun  and  carried  forward  almost  to  comple- 
tion. For  two  Sabbaths  the  congregation  were  like 
sheep  without  a  fold,  having  no  place  of  assemblage, 
but  on  April  22d,  ISGG,*  that  building  was  so  far  com- 
pleted as  to  admit  of  occupancy,  and  on  that  day  the 
congregation  assembled  within  its  walls  for  the  first 
time,  the  Sabbath  School,  according  to  the  original 
■  plan  of  the  building,  meeting  in  the  second  story.  The 
corner-stone  of  the  main  edifice,  was  laid  on  July  23d, 
of  the  same  year,  with  approj»riate  ceremonies,  in 
which  the  other  Presbyterian  pastors  took  part,  and 
also  several  ministers  of  the  Baptist,  Methodist,  and 
Lutheran  denominations.  From  that  time  the  build- 
ers' task  was  carried  forward  as  rapidly  as  possible,  and 
the  sacred  edifice  was  formally  opened  for  public  wor- 
ship by  a  sermon  from  tlie  pastor,  on  December  2yth, 
ISGT.^'  For  financial  reasons,  the  dedication  was  de- 
ferred until  April  24th,  INTO,  when  anothei' pastor  was 
occupying  the  pulpit;  the  dedication  sermon  being 
preached  by  Rev.  Dr.  Davidson,  of  Hamilton,  Ohio. 

The  building   committee  to   whom    this    enterprise 

'•■■This  (into  «;is  ;;iviTi   incoiri'ctl.v  in  tlio  JIam.m.  of  ISTn,  uiul  hIbo  iu 
that  uf  1S71. 


was  entrusted  were,  Thomas  H.  Sharpe,  Robert  Brown- 
ing, Jeremiah  McLene,  Addison  L.  Roache,  William 
Sheets,  James  W.  Brown,  John  M.  Lord,  James  M. 
Ray,  Thomas  Maclntire  and  James  Greene.  Mr  Thos. 
Y.  Wadskeir,  of  Chicago,  was  the  Architect,  and  the 
whole  cost  of  buildinir  and  ground,  $104,117.74. 

While  the  erection  of  this  noble  house  was  in 
progress,  it  was  deemed  expedient  to  establish  a  Sab- 
bath School  in  a  very  needy  locality,  in  the  South- 
eastern part  of  the  city.  Mr.  William  E.  Craig,  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Session,  took  charge  of  the  enterprise,  and 
so  great  was  the  success  attending  it,  that  veiy  soon 
the  way  was  open  for  the  organization  of  a  church. 
Mr.  Calvin  Fletcher  and  his  associates  in  the  ownership 
of  lots  in  that  part  of  the  town,  presented  two  for  the. 
site  of  a  building;  the  estate  of  Dr.  Coe  presented 
$500,  and  the  congregation  subscribed  §2,800,  for  the 
erection  of  it,  and  before  our  old  house  was  vacated,  a 
neat,  substantial  fiame  church  had  been  erected,  and 
which  it  lias  since  been  found  necessary  to  enlarge. 
The  organization  is  now  knowri  as  the  Seventh  Presby- 
terian Church,  with  a  membership  of  oUO,  and  a  Sab- 
bath school  of  49-';,  under  the  efficient  pastoral  charge 
of  Rev.  Charles  If.  Raymond.  When  statistics  were 
gathered  for  our  Semi-centennial  Sabliath  School  cele- 
bration in  187.;,  the  school  of  the  Seventh  Church  was 
found  to  number  o24  scholars,  being  much  the  largest 
Presbyterian  School  in  the  city,  and  the  largest  but  one 
of  any  denomination. 

The  health  of  the  pastor.  Rev.   Mr.   Nixon,  had  be- 


come  so  much  impaired  that  soon  after  the  completion 
of  this  house,  he  asked  leave  of  absence  for  six  months 
for  the  purpose  of  a  sea-voyage,  and  a  visit  to  Europe. 
Consent  was  given,  and  the  pastor  left  in  February, 
ISlJS,  the  pulpit  being  ably  Hlled  in  his  absence,  by 
Rev.  'T.  F.  Dripps,  a  licentiate.  Mr.  Nixon  returned 
and  resumed  his  duties  on  the  11th  of  October,  but 
without  the  full  benefit  to  his  health  he  had  hoped  to 
derive  irom  rest  and  travel.  lie  toiled  on  however, 
with  the  "thorn"  of  ill  health  rankling  in  his  tlesh, 
until  February,  1869,  when  he  felt  constrained  to  cease 
pastoral  work,  and  reijuest  a  dissolution  of  the  relation. 
The  church,  with  great  regret,  yielded  to  the  necessity, 
and  the  pastoral  relation  was  dissolved  on  tlie  14th  of 
•  April,  1809,  having  been  as  already  stated,  the  longest 
of  any  in  the  history  of  this  church,  except  that  of 
Dr.  Gurley.  It  is  gratifying  to  be  able  to  state  that 
change  of  climate  and  several  years'  cessation  for  the 
most  part  from  ministerial  work  have  wrought  so  great 
an  improvement  in  Dr.  Nixon's  health,  (that  degree 
having  been  conferred  upon  him  since  leaving  here,) 
that  he  has  recently  taken  the  pastoral  charge  of  the 
Central  Church,  of  Wilmington,  Delaware. 

During  Dr.  Nixon's  ministry,  in  1800,  Messrs.  Ben- 
jamin Harrison,  Myron  A.  Stowell  and  William  E. 
Craig,  were  added  to  the  Session  ;  the  last,  a  native  of 
Scotland,  has  returned,  in  im|)aired  health,  to  his 
native  land. 

( )La'  next  pastor,  was  IJev.  Robert  D.  Harper,  D.  D., 
previously    of    the     United     Presbyterian    Church,    of 


Xenia,  Ohio.  He  was  called  on  the  l22cl  of  April,  lSt'i9, 
entered  upon  his  labors  here  on  the  l()th  of  May,  and 
was  installed  on  the  19th  of  October  following;  so  that 
the  pul]iit  was  vacant  only  about  one  month.  Dr. 
Harper's  ministry  is  so  recent,  ami  so  many  of  the  pres- 
ent members  of  the  congregation  were  among  his  ap- 
preciative hearers  and  warm  personal  friemis,  that  it  i.^ 
not  necessary  to  speak  of  it  at  length.  It  is  Mitficient 
to  say  that  he  was  sound  and  evangelical  in  his  exposi- 
tions of  truth,  warmly  interested  in  his  work,  possessed 
of  many  of  the  graces  and  charms  of  pulpit  oratoi'v. 
and  of  marked  coui'tesy  and  atfalnlity  of  demeanor. 
Although  no  special  revival  occurred  under  his  ministrv 
it  was  not  fiarren  nf  results,  nor  without  the  visible 
seal  of  the  divine  favor.  He  tendered  his  resignation 
on  February  'l'-k\.  b'^71,  after  a  ministry  of  les.~  than 
two  years — the  shortest  thus  far  in  the  history  of  the 
church — and  accepted  a  Call  to  the  North  Broad 
Street  Church,  of  Philadelphia. 

During  Dr.  Harper  s  pastorate,  a  corps  of  teachers 
from  this  church  assumed  the  care  of  a  missionary  held 
in  the  North-east  part  of  the  city,  where  the  Metho- 
dists had  planted  a  Sabbath  School,  which  they  called 
the  "."^aw  Mill  ^fission,"  but  had  abandoned  it.  Under 
the  diligent  culture  of  that  liand  of  workers,  and  with 
generous  pecuniary  aid  atforded  by  one  of  the  elders 
of  this  church,  the  lumible  Missionary  School  has 
grown  into  the  Ninth  Presbyterian  (Church,  with  a 
membership  of  PH,  and  Salibath  School  of  u87,  now 
under  the  pastoral   charge  of  Kev.  L.    Faye  Walker — 


being  the  fourth  healthful  and  promising  daughter  of 
this  venerable  mother. 

During  the  same  ministry,  in  the  year  1S70,  the 
congregation  purchased  this  noble  organ,  not  only  a& 
an  aid  to  the  songs  of  the  sanctuary,  but  also  as  their 
grateful  "  Memorial"  testimony  to  the  favor  of  God  be- 
stowed upon  the  church  at  large  in  the  re-union  of  the 
branches  known  as  the  Old  and  the  New  School. 

The  vacancy  left  by  Dr.  Harper's  withdrawal  in 
February,  1871,  continued  until  June  of  the  same  year. 
During  that  time,  the  Session  was  again  enlarged  by 
the  election  of  Messrs.  James  W.  Brown,  Jeremiah 
McLene,  Isaac  C.  Plays,  L.  B.  Walker  and  Asahel  D. 
Benham.  These  brethren,  together  with  Mr.  Robert 
Browning,  who  was  elected  to  the  same  othce  in  No- 
vember previous,  were  ordained  on  the  '.'th  of  April, 
1871,  by  Rev.  L.  G.  Hay.  Mr.  Hays  sul)sequently  with- 
drew to  the  Memorial  Church,  and  Messrs.  Walker 
and  Benham  have  removed  from  the  city. 

Rev.  Jeremiah  P.  E.  Kumler,  ol  Evansville,  Indiana, 
was  called  to  the  pastoral  chai'ge  in  June,  1871.  He 
accepted  the  Call,  and  entered  upon  his  work  on  the 
second  Sabl)ath  of  July  ;  with  the  consent  of  the  con- 
gregation, however,  tliat  he  should  carry  out  the  ar- 
rangements he  had  made  for  a  summer  vacation.  He 
returned  and  resumed  his  labors  on  the  12th  of  August, 
and  was  formally  installed  on  the  first  of  October  ibl- 
lowing.  Althougii  the  time  seems  long  since  his  de- 
parture, as  it  has  l)een  for  the -most  part  a  period  of 
silent  Sabbaths,  it  has  not  been  long  enough  to  efface 


from  your  minds,  rememhvance  of  his  earnest,  devoted 
ministry.  He  continued  with  us  a  few  months  less  than 
four  years,  but  the  results  of  that  brief  ministry  are 
not  below  the  average  of  his  predecessors.  In  the 
proceedings  had  when  the  question  of  assent  to  his 
withdrawal  came  up,  the  congregation  resolved,  that 
the  contemplated  movement  on  his  part  was  regarded 
with  regret  and  heart-felt  sorrow ;  that  he  had  en- 
deared himself  to  the  community  as  well  as  to  the 
church,  as  a  christain  teacher,  adviser  and  friend,  and 
had,  in  a  pre-eminent  degree,  illustrated  the  beauty, 
the  power,  and  the  usefulness  of  an  earnest  and  rug- 
ged christian  character ;  that  as  a  preacher  of  evangel- 
ical truth,  he  had  proven  himself  not  only  rich  in 
Biblical  learning,  but  fruitful  in  thought  and  suggestion, 
and  above  all,  most  ekxjuently  earnest.  It  is,  there- 
fore, not  singular  that  the  congregation  declined  assent 
to  Mr.  Kumler's  request  for  a  dissolution  of  the  pas- 
toral relation,  and  took  measures  to  hSve  that  dissent 
most  ably  and  eloquently  advocated  before  the  Presby- 
tery. Mr.  Kumler's  convictions,  however,  pointed 
in  another  direction,  and  the  church  finally,  at  a 
subsecjuent  meeting  of  the  Presbytery,  on  the  14th 
of  September,  ls75.  signified  their  assent,  perforce, 
and  the  relation  was  dissolved  accordingly.  Mr. 
Kumler  accepted  a  Call  from  the  Third  Presbyterian 
Church  of  Cincinnati,  in  which  he  is  still  laboring  with 
his  accustomed  zeal  and  energy. 

A   Committee   of   Supply,   as   usual,    was   appointed 
after  Mr.    Kumler's  withdrawal,   to  search   out  and  re- 


commend  a  pastor.  Their  first  measure  was  to  hear 
Rev.  James  H.  Brookes,  D.  D.,  of  St.  Louis,  and  the 
result  of  their  visit  was,  that  in  October,  1875,  the  con- 
gregation gave  him  a  unanimous  Call.  Circumstances 
in  his  own  charge  prevented  him  from  giving  a  prompt 
and  decisive  re}»ly,  but  in  December  he  visited  us  and 
spent  one  week  of  active  and  appreciated  labor, 
preaching  or  conducting  informal  services  every  day 
and  evening,  in  this  and  other  churches.  After  his 
return  home,  the  congregation  Aoted  a  renewal  of  the 
Call,  which  was  subsequently  enforced  by  visits  from 
some  members  of  the  Committee,  and  extended  cor- 
respondence. But  the  result  of  the  whole  was  that  in 
February  of  the  present  year,  the  Call  was  answered 
with  a  final  negative.  Since  that  time  the  Committee 
has  diligently  discharged  its  office,  but  with  the  sad- 
dening result  thus  far  of  not  finding  a  pastor  accepta- 
ble to  the  entire  congregation. 

Wliat  now*i'emains  to  be  said  is  chiefly  in  the  way 
of  summary  ;  and  first  of  all,  mention  shoidd  be  made 
of  the  fact  that  this  church,  in  its  very  early  infancy, 
adopted  a  plan  of  systematic  contribution  to  the 
Boards  and  benevolent  operations  of  the  churcli  at 
large.  And  though  it  is  not  pretended  that  it  has, 
through  all  the  half  century  of  its  existence,  done  its 
whole  duty  in  that  regard,  or  always  given  as  the  Lord 
has  prospered  it,  it  may  be  truthfully  asserted  that  it 
has  never  lost  sight  of  that  duty,  nor  entirely  failed  in 
the  performance  of  it,  despite  the  repeated  "  panics," 
the  distractions  wrought  by  war,  and  the  oft  recurring 


"hard  times"  that  have  marked  these  decades.  It 
would  be  inteiesting  and  doubtless  encouraging  to 
know  just  how  much  these  contributions  to  the  treas 
ury  of  the  Lord,  through  all  these  long  years  and  man- 
ifold changes  amount  to.  But  unfortunately  the 
requisite  data  have  not  been  preserved. 

In  regard  to  the  Sabbath  School  Institution,  this 
church  has  an  undisputed  claim  to  thp  prime  agency 
in  its  introduction  into  the  infant  community.  Indeed 
before  the  church  was  organized,  one  of  its  founders 
and  first  elders,  the  only  man  in  the  settlement  who 
had  any  practical  acquaintance  with  Sabbath  Schools 
and  their  management,  had  organized  and  was  labor- 
ing in  the  old  "  Union  .'school,"  which  held  its  weekly 
gathering — not  with  the  approval  of  all  the  settlers — 
in  the  immortal  Cabinet  Shop  of  "Squire"  Scudder. 
This  was  the  seed.  The  fruit  we  see  to-day.  And  the 
ambition  that  is  sanctified  by  God's  spirit,  can  ask  no 
more  honorable  memorial  than  that  inscribed  on  the 
granite  monument  above  Dr.  Isaac  C'oe's  remains  in 
Crown  Hill,  The  Foixdek  of  1xiii.\n.\poijs  SrNn.vY 

As  an  evidence  of  the  harmony,  as  well  as  the  ef- 
ficiency with  which  the  Sabbath  School  work  in  this 
church  has  been  conducted,  it  may  be  mentioned  that 
the  office  of  Superintendent  in  it  was  for  much  more 
than  half  the  fifty-three  years  of  its  existence,  filled  by 
one  and  the  same  person,  Mr.  James  M.  Eay.  Others  fill- 
ing the  office  have  been  Benjamin  Harrison,  J.  Albert 


Vinnedge,  Irving  Harrison,  Asahel  M.  Benham,  Ed- 
ward P.  Howe,  Elijah  B.  Martindale,  William  S.  Arm- 
strong and  Ebenezer  Sliarpe. 

In  regard  to  ministerial  service,  you  have  seen  that 
the  church  has  enjoyed  the  labors  of  nine  pastors  and 
five  Stated  Supplies.  Of  the  pastors,  four  are  still 
laboring  in  other  fields,  and  five  have  entered  into  rest. 
Of  the  Stated  Supplies,  but  two  survive.  The  elder- 
ship has  embraced  twenty-two  members,  all  of  whom 
except  four,  were  ordained  and  set  apart  to  the  otfice 
in  this  church.  (Jf  these  twenty-two,  eight  have  crossed 
the  fiood  ;  five  have  removed  elsewhere ;  one  has  en- 
tered the  ministry,  and  eight  are  now  rendering  ser- 
vice. The  deaconship  has  always  been  recognized  in 
the  congregation  as  an  important  element  of  its  work- 
ing force,  and  is  at  this  time  filled  by  acceptable  and 
eflicient  incumbents. 

The  entire  membership  of  the  church  from  the  be- 
ginning, numbers  1,305,  being  an  average  of  twenty- 
four  per  year,  for  the  fifty-three  years  of  the  church's 
existence,  and  six  for  each  (piarterly  communion  ;  pre- 
cisely what  Dr.  Nixon,  in  the  historical  discourse  al- 
ready referred  to,  stated  as  the  average  up  to  that  time. 
Should  not  this  failure  of  increase  admonish  us  that 
while  there  remaineth  very  much  land  to  the  be  pos- 
sessed, the  night  cometh   in  which   no   man  can  work  ? 

It  is  a  more  pleasant  refiection  that  from  the  com- 
munion of  this  church,  eight  persons  have  entereil  the 
ministry.  They  are  Kev.  James  S.  Kemper,  Kev. 
Henry  T.  Coe,  Kev.  J.  Oooley  Fletcher,  Rev.  L.  G.  Hay, 


Rev.  William  W.  Sickels,  Eev.  Edward  C.  Sickels,  Rev. 
William  A.  Holliday  and  Rev.  John  Dixon. 

It  is  a  fact  strikinglj'  peculiar  to  the  history  of  this 
congregation,  that  for  the  last  twenty-tive  years,  a  con- 
siderable number  of  ministers  of  the  gospel,  not  en- 
gaged in  the  work,  have  been  connected  with  it.  How 
far  this  has  added  to  the  moral  strength  of  the  church, 
is  a  question  not  now  entered  upon. 

I  have  thus,  brethren,  perhaps  with  too  much  min- 
uteness of  detail,  laid  before  you  the  history  of  this 
church  from  the  day  of  its  birth  to  this  fifty-fourth 
year  of  its  existence.  To  some  of  you  it  is  the  church 
of  your  fathers ;  to  all  of  you,  it  is  the  church  of  your 
adoption  and  choice,  and  doubtless  the  object  of  your 
hearts'  best  and  warmest  affections.  The  time  does 
not  admit  of  an  attempt  to  set  out  tlie  lessons  taught 
by  this  half  century's  history,  nor  is  the  speaker  the 
person  to  adduce  and  enforce  the  duties  growing  out 
of  the  present  juncture  in  your  church  affairs.  Let 
me  only  remind  you  that  the  exigency  which  environs 
her,  demands  that  all  the  true  friends  of  the  church 
rally  to  her  aid.  You  are  not  satisfied  that  the  sacri- 
ficial fire  should  be  so  seldom  kindled  upon  this  altar. 
You  are  not  satisfied  that  so  many  Sabbaths  should 
come  and  go,  and  no  sound  of  prayer  and  praise  and 
christian  teaching,  break  the  dismal  silence  within 
these  walls.  You  deplore  that  this  flock  should  be 
scattered  simply  because  there  is  no  shejaherd  to  lead 
it  in  green  pastures,  and  beside  still  waters.  You  can 
not   believe  that  this  church,    much    as  it    has    done, 


has  accomplished  its  full  mission,  or  fully  suLserved 
the  purpose  of  its  Great  Head.  What  then  is  the  duty 
of  the  hour?  Is  it  not  that  you  manifest  your  sym- 
pathy with  the  Lord  Jesus  in  the  great  purpose  of  his 
death,  by  increased  activity  in  christian  work,  thus 
repairing  as  far  as  you  may,  the  damage  that  results 
from  a  vacant  pulpit?  And  seeing  that  God  only 
waits  for  his  people  to  attain  a  proper  attitude  before 
bestowing  his  blessing,  what  searchings  of  heart  should 
there  be,  what  fervent,  constant  prayer  ascending  from 
every  household  and  every  heart,  until  he  return  and 
repair  these  wastes  of  Zion,  and  pour  down  all  the 
fullness  of  his  blessing  upon  her  I 

And  the  blessing  will  come.  God  loves  this  church 
more  than  you  can  possibly  do.  He  has  graven  her 
upon  the  palms  of  his  hands  :  her  walls  are  continually 
before  him.  Therefore,  he  will  give  her  protracted  life, 
and  growth  and  prosperity.  H'  not  by  our  instrumen- 
tality, by  that  of  others.  Her  coming  half  century 
will  be  more  glorious  than  the  first.  In  place  of  the 
fathers  shall  be  the  children,  and  when  she  celebrates 
her  first  centennial,  and  we  are  slumbering  in  the  dust, 
and  our  names  forgotten,  doubtless  she  will  have  an 
experience  to  look  back  upon,  of  unmingled  mercy,  of 
enlariied  usefulness  and  abundant  blessinc. 

Record  of  Pastors  and  Stated  Supplies. 

Rev.  David  C.  Proctor,  Stated  Supply,  from  October 
],  1822,  to  October  1,  1823;  died  January  17,  1865. 

Rev.  George  Bush,  Pastor,  installed  May  5,  1825, 
relation  dissolved  June  22,  1828  ;  died  in  1S59. 

Rev.  John  R.  Moreland,  P.,  called  October  27,  1828, 
resigned  May  15,  1832;  died  (Jctober  13,  1832. 

Rev.  William  A.  Hollihay,  S.  S.,  served  two  years, 
from  February  1S33;   died  December  10,  18(36. 

Rev.  James  W.  McKenxak,  P.,  installed  June  16, 
1835,  resigned  April,  183'.t ;  died  July  19,  1861. 

Rev.  Samuei-  Fultox,  S.  S.,  served  from  January  to 
April,  1840. 

Rev.  Phineas  D.  Gurley,  P.,  installed  December  15, 
1840,  resigned  November  28,  1849 ;  died  September  30, 

Rev.  Charles  S.  Mills,  S.  S.,  served  from  November, 
1849,  to  September,  1850. 

Rev.  Johx  A.  McCluxi;,  P.,  installed  December  31, 
1851,  resigned  September  29,  1855  ;  died  August  6,  1859. 

Rev.  Thomas  M  Cuxxix(iHAM,  P.,  installed  May  7, 
1857,  resigned  May,  1860. 


Eev.  J.  Howard  Nixox,  P.,  installed  April  17,  1861, 
resigned  April  14,  ISG'J. 

Rev  J.  F.  Dripps,  temporary  supply  from  May  to 
October,  1868,  during  pastor's  absence  in  Europe. 

Rev.  Robert  D.  Harper,  D.D.,  P.,  installed  October 
19,  1869,  resigned  February  23,  1871. 

Rev.  Jeremiah  P.  E.  Ivumler,  P.,  installed  October  1, 
1871,  resigned  September  14   1875. 

Rev.  Myrox  W.  Reed,  P.,  installed  October  4,  1877. 

Record  of  Elders. 

Isaac  Coe,  M.  P.,  elected  July  •>,  1S"2?),  dismissed 
May  10,  185;;  ;   died  July  oO,  1S55. 

Cat, El!  SccDDEK,  elected  July  5,  1823,  dismi:~sed  iSep- 
tember  23,  1859. 

EuENEZEK  Shaute,  elected  February  18,  1827,  died 
August  1,  1S35. 

John  Johnston,  elected  FeViruary  18,  18ii7.  dismissed 
to  Wasliingtou  Cliurch,  ]\Iariou  county.  Indiana. 

JdiiN  G.  Brown,  elected  February  18,  1827,  dit'd  May 
13.  1838. 

James  Blake,  elected  October  17,  183U,  dismissed 
SeptemV)er  23,  1851. 

James  M.  Eay,  elected  (October  17,  1830. 

Gov.  Sami  el  Bigcer,  elected  May  ICi,  1842,  previously 
ordained  to  the  office,  disniissed  to  First  Presbyterian 
Church  of  Fort  Wayne,  Indiana. 

George  S.  Brandon,  elected  May  16,  1842,  previously 
ordained  to  the  office,  died  August  22,  1847. 

Charles  Axtell.  elected  February  27,  1850,  previ- 
ously ordained  to  the  office,  and  subsequently  to  the 


Horatio  C.  Newcomb,  elected  February  27,  1850,  dis- 
missed September  23,  1851. 

Thomas  R.  SiiARrE,  elected   February  27,  1850. 

Wi  1,1.1AM  Shkets,  elected  1853,  died  March  4,  1872. 

Thomas  MacIntire,  elected  1853,  previously  ordained 
to  the  office. 

Benjamin  Harris.ox,  elected  January  24,  1861. 

Mykox  H.  Stowei.l,  elected  October  11,  1866. 

William  E.  Ckaic,  elected  October  11,  1866,  dismissed 
November  27,  1867. 

Robert  Browning,  elected  November  17,  1870. 

Jeremiah  McLene,  elected  March  7,  1871. 

James  W,  Brown,  elected  March  7,  1871 

Isaac  C.  Hayes,  elected  March  7,  1871,  dismissed 
September  1,  1874. 

Leverett  B.  Walker,  elected  March  30,  1871,  re- 
moved from  the  city  in  1871,  dismissed  January  7,  1878. 

AsAHEL  M.  Bexha.m,  elcctcd  March  30,  1871,  dismissed 
November  3,  1873. 


I.  The  standards  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  con- 
sist of  the  Westminster  Confession  of  Faith,  and  the 
Larger  and  Shorter  Catechisms.  To  these  all  Church 
officers  are  re(iuired  to  subscribe,  as  containing  the  sys- 
tem of  doctrine  taught  in  the  Holy  Scriptures,  and 
these  are  earnestly  recommended  to  the  thoughtful 
and  prayerful  study  of  all  our  members.  But  from  the 
beginning  of  her  history  in  this  country,  the  Presby- 
terian Church  has  received  to  her  Communion  all  those 
who,  in  the  judgment  of  charity,  were  true  believers  in 
Jesus  Christ,  and  who  agreed  to  submit  themselves 
peaceably  to  the  rule  of  the  Church,  without  requiring 
as  a  condition  to  Church  membership  the  reception  of 
all  the  doctrines  taught  in  the  standards  of  the  Church. 


The  qualitications  for  membership  in  the  Presby- 
terian Church  are  "  knowledge  and  piety."  There 
should  be  knowledge  of  the  way  of  salvation,  of  the 
design  of  the  ordinances  of  Baptism  and  the  Lord's 
Supper,  and  of  the  obligations  incurred  by  a  public  pro- 
fession of  the  name  of  Christ.     And  there  should  also 

42  MANUAL. 


be  a  sincere  reception  of  the  Lord  Jesus,  as  he  is  offered 
in  the  Gospel,  and  a  full  consecration  of  the  heart  and 
life  to  his  service.  It  is  the  duty  of  all  who  believe  in 
(Jhrist  to  confess  his  name  liefore  men,  by  receiving 
Baptism,  and  b^  partaking  of  the  Lord's  Supper  ;  and 
in  this  there  should  be  no  unnecessary  delay,  since  the 
A}>ostle  has  taught  us  that  with  the  heart  man  believeth 
unto  righteousness,  and  with  the  mouth  confession  is 
made  unto  salvation. 

Persons  are  admitted  to  the  Church  either  by  cer- 
tificate from  other  Churches,  or  by  examination  by  the 


[Tlie  candidates,  standing  in  frunt  of  the  imlpit.  will  be  addressed   by 
the  pastor  as  foUows  ;] 

Dear  Fiukxps: — The  Session  having  already  re- 
ceived and  enrolled  you  as  niembers  of  this  church, 
you  do  now  publicly  enter  into  covenant  with  us. 

You  have  been  deeply  convinced  of  your  personal 
sinfulness?  You  have  heartily  repented  thereof?  You 
have  believed  in  the  forgiving  love  of  Jesus  Christ? 
You  here  dedicate  your  heart  and  life  to  him  ?  That 
dedication  you  are  about  to  renew  in  the  presence  of 
God  and  this  congregation  ? 

You  acknowledge  God  the  Father,  Son,  and  Holy 
Spirit — Greater,  Redeemer  and  Sanctifiier  of  men,  to  be 
your  Gt)d? 

You  receive  the  Scriptures  of   the  Old  and    New 

MANUAL.  43 

Testaments  as  the  word  of  God,  and  as  tlie  rule  of 
your  faith  and  life? 

You  believe  that  God  so  loved  the  world  that  he 
gave  his  Son  to  die  for  it ;  that  Christ  appeared  in  the 
flesh  ;  that  he  set  forth  a  jierfect  exam}»le  of  oliedience  ; 
the  he  purely  taught  the  truth  needful  for  our  Salva- 
tion ;  that  he  sutFered  in  our  stead,  the  just  for  the 
unjust  ;  that  he  died  to  atone  for  our  sins,  and  to 
purity  us  therefrom  ;  and  that  he  rose  from  the  dead 
and  ascended  into  heaven,  where  he  ever  liveth  to 
make  intercession  for  us  ?     Therefore, 

Renouncing  all  dependence  upon  your  own  works 
for  salvation,  you  commit  yourselves  to  Christ  your 
Savior?  Renouncing  the  dominion  of  this  world,  you 
consecrate  yourselves  to  the  service  of  Christ,  your 
Lord  ? 

You  promise  to  rememlier  his  words,  and  to  do  his 
commandments  by  living  a  life  of  piety  toward  God, 
and  of  good-will  toward  men  ? 

You  do  covenant  witli  this  Church  to  observe  its 
ordinances  and  to  attend  diligently  its  meetings  for 
worship  ;  to  submit  to  its  rules  and  discipline  ;  to  strive 
for  its  purity  and  peace,  and  to  work  together  with  us 
for  the  welfare  of  our  fellowmen  ? 


[The  I'ougrfgation  standing.] 

We,  then,  members  of  this  Church,  do  gladly  re- 
ceive you.  We  welcome  you  to  our  communion,  oia* 
fellowship  and-  our  work.     We  promise  to  love  you,  to 


pray  for  you,  to  watch  over  you,  and  by  all  means  in 
our  power  to  advance  you  in  the  Divine  life.     Amen. 


1.  Religious  services  are  held  every  Sabl)ath  morn- 
ing and  evening,  at  the  usual  hours  of  public  worship 
in  this  city. 

2.  The  Sacrament  of  the  Lord's  Supper  is  adminis- 
tered on  the  first  Sabbath  of  the  months  of  March, 
June,  September  and  December. 

3.  The  regular  Praykr  Meeting  is  held  on  Thurs- 
day evening. 

4.  The  Sabbath  School  meets  regularly  every  Sab- 
bath afternoon,  at  half-past  two  o'clock.  Bible  classes 
are  also  held  at  the  same  hour.  All  the  children  and 
young  people  of  the  Church  are  expected  to  attend. 
Parents  and  others  are  cordially  invited  to  be  present, 
either  as  teachers,  or  as  members  of  Bible  classes. 

5.  The  Session  meets  regularly  on  the  first  Monday 
evening  of  each  month,  to  receive  applications  for 
Church  membership,  either  by  letter  or  by  examination. 



Bid;,.,!  Elders. 





Acthig  iJeacons. 







Finance  L'oinrn'itlec. 


W.  H.  H.  MILLER. 



Suj^erintendent  of  Sahballi   School. 

AVoman's  Foreio'ii  MissiiMiary  Society. 

The   Woman's  Foreign  Missionary  Society  was  or- 
ganized in  IcSTo.     Its  present  Officers  are  : 
Mrs.  Anxe  J.  Burgess,  President; 
Mrs.  Mary  E.  Smart,    Vice  President ; 
Mrs.  E.  Louise  Reed,  Secretary ; 
Miss  Gretta  Y.  Hoeliday,  Treasurer. 
It  contributes  to  the  Assembly's  Board,  through  the 
Woman's  Board  of  the  North-west. 

Its  special  object  is  the  support  of  Mrs.  Loretta  C. 
Van  Hook,  at  Tabriz,  Persia. 

Its  regular  meetings  are  held  on  the  last  Thursday 
of  each  month.  All  ladies  of  the  church  and  congre- 
gation are  cordially  invited  to  attend  them. 

There  is  also  under  its  care,  a  Missiox  Band,  com- 
jiosed  of  the  children  of  the  Church  and  Sabbath 
School,  which  meets  in  the  afternoon  of  the  last  Sat- 
urday of  each  month. 


In  addition  to  the  following  Eoll,  a  Hc-'^crvct/  Li.sf  is 
kept,  embracing  the  names  of  such  members  as  have 
removed  from  the  city  without  Letters  of  Dismission, 
or  whose  address  has  otherwise  become  lost. 


Ankenny,  Miss  Sarah 202  East  Market. 

Armstrong,  Mrs.  Keziah  P.. .160  Ash. 

Armstrong,  Miss  Ellie  L lt)9  Ash. 

Armstrong,  William  S 28  Central  Avenue. 

Armstrong,  Mrs    Jennie 2S  Central  Avenue. 

Anderson,  Miss  Clara  8 293  North  Delaware. 

Applegate,  Mrs.   Abby 129  North  Noble. 

Beidenmeister,  Mrs.  Sarah. ..26.j  East  New  York. 
Beidenmeister,  Miss  Mary  .1.26.5  East  New  York. 

Belches,  Miss  Mary  S.  C Fortville. 

Benham,  Henry  L 673  North  Delaware. 

Benham,  Mrs.  Mary  S 673  North  Delawaie. 

Bobbs,  Mrs.  Catharine East  End  Georgia. 


Braden,  William Hrand  Hotel. 

Braden,  Mrs.  Martha Grand  Hotel. 

Bradshaw,  Mrs.  Margaret 264  North  Tennessee. 

Brown,  James  W 97  West  Vermont. 

Brown,  Mrs.  Sallie  jM Room  1,  Vajen's  Block. 

Browning,  Robert  7(MI  North  Meridian. 

Browning,  Mrs.  Margaret  S..70()  North  Meridian. 

Browning,  Mrs.  Mary South  of  (_'ity. 

Eoice,  Augustin 2lJ9  North  Pennsylvania. 

Boice,  Mrs.  Adele  T.  J 209  North  Pennsylvania. 

Barnes,  Thomas  F 63]  North  Mississippi. 

Barnes,  Mrs.  Elizabeth f)31  North  Mississippi. 

Burt,  William  N S24  East  Washington. 

Burt,  Mrs.  Maggie  J 824  East  Washington. 

Breckenridge,  Josejdi  INf Lebanon. 

Burgess,  Caleb  C 25S  Xorth  Pennsylvania. 

Burgess,  Mrs.  Anne  J 2oS  North  Pennsylvania. 

Burgess,  Miss  Anne  Louise.. .258  North  Pennsylvania. 

Bryce,  Mrs.   Mary 13  East  South. 

Bates,  Ns.  Doren 352  North  Alabama. 

Bates,  Mrs.   Florence  E 352  North  Alabama. 

Brink,  Charles  H 151  North  Hlinois. 

Brink,  Mrs.  Jessie 151  North  Hlinois. 

Browder,  Wilbur  F 94  Iloyt  Avenue. 

Bacon,  Hiram Cor.  <  'iiftbrd  k,  Keyst'ne  Av. 

Bacon,  Mrs.  Elizabeth Cor.  Clifford  k  Keyst'ne  Av. 

Byers,  Frederick 

Byers,  Mrs.  Julia 


Carlisle,  Johu a\Ii]lersville. 

Carlisle,   Mrs.  Margaret  J Millersville. 

Carlisle,   Henry  D    

Carlisle,  Mrs.  Jennie  A 

Carter,  Ceorge 544  North  Tennessee. 

Carter,  Mrs.  Mary  Belle 544  North  Tennessee. 

Clarke,  Mrs.  Rachel l!7  Lockerbie. 

Cropsey,  Mrs.  Ann  M S")  College  Avenue. 

Cropsey,  James  M So  College  Avenue. 

Cropsey,  Miss  Nel)raska S.>  College  Avenue. 

Culbertson,  Mis.  Mary  E Mli4  ('ollege  Avenue. 

Cruft,   Miss  Sarah  R 242  North   Alabama. 

Cummins,    Mis^:  Ilattie  B •■j4o  North  I'ennsylvania, 

Cassiday,  Mrs.  Mary  F 3ll6  North  Meridian. 

Craft,  Hiram  J MJ7  North   Alal>ama. 

Craft,  Mrs.  Lou  M S27  North   Alabama. 

Cotl'man,  Mrs.   Susie 

Cox,  Thomas "J'l'J   Pt-ru. 

Cox,  Mrs.  Mary 2G9  Peru. 

Cox,   Richard 2f)9  Peru. 

Denning,  Joseph  N ys  North  Mississippi. 

Doughty,  John  G 2.'!.}  Indiana  Avenue. 

Doughty,  Mrs.  Frances  S 'l?t\  Indiana  Avenue. 



Dickson,  Carlos Grand  Hotel. 

Dickson,  Mrs.  Susan  C Grand  Hotel. 

Dixon,   Hugh  9S  North  Mississippi. 

Davis,   Mrs.  Emma  E North  Tenn.  North  of  10th. 

Downe^^  John  T 130  North  Alabama. 

Downey,  Mrs.  Mary  A 130  North  Alabama. 

Denny,  Caleb  S 241  North  Alabama. 

Denny,  Mrs.  Carrie  W 241  North  Alabama. 

Dollens,  Robert  W 21)  West  New  York. 

Dollens,  Mrs.   Nettie 20  West  New  York. 

Elliott,  William  J Cor.  Tenth  and  Tennessee. 

Elliott,  Mrs.  Charlotte <  "or.  Tenth  and  Tennessee. 

Espy,  Mrs.   Margaret  E 930  North  Tennessee. 

Espy,  Miss  Kate  E TOO  North  Illinois. 

Elder,  Mrs.  Amelia  E l.iO  North  New  Jersey. 

Elder,  William  B 150  North  New  Jersey. 

Elder,  Miss  Mary  J I'.O  North  New  Jersey. 

Evans,  Miss  Maria  J Broad  Rii>ple. 

Egan,  Mrs.  Katie 10")  North  New  Jersey. 

Eddv,  Miss  Mabel 43(i  North 


Foster,  Chapin  C 7t»2  North  Pennsylvania. 

Foster,  Mrs.  Harriet  H 762  North  Pennsylvania. 

Fitzhugh,  Mrs.  Anna 417  College  Avenue. 

Fletcher,  Albert  E 019  North  Pennsylvania. 

Fletcher,  Mrs.  Eliza  S 619  North  Pennsylvania. 

Foley,  Mrs.  Susanna North  of  Crown  Hill  Cem. 

Foley,  William  W North  of  Crown  Hill  Cem. 

Foley,  Miss  Emma  E North  of  Crown  Hill  ('em. 

Fullenwider,  John  C 308  College  Avenue. 

Fullenwicler,   Mrs.  Mary  E...3U8  College  Avenue. 

Fullenwider,  Miss  Lottie 308  College  Avenue. 

Finch,  Fabius  jNI. 247  Park  Avenue. 

Finch,  Mrs.  Nancy  A 247  Park  Avenue. 

Finch,  Miss  Alice 247  Park  Avenue. 

Gates,  John  J 33s  North  New  Jersey. 

Greene,  Mrs.  Mary  B 364  North  Meridian. 

Greene,  Davies  M 364  North  Meridian. 

George,  Henderson 94  Harrison. 

George,  Mrs.    Amanda 94  Harrison. 

Gillespie,  Mrs.  Mary  R 203  Xoith  Pennsylvania. 

Gillesjiie,  Miss  May  Ann D.  and  I).  Institute. 

Graham,  J.  Kearney ISO  North  East. 

Gibson,  Reuben 427  North  Pennsylvania. 

Gibson,  Mrs.   Nancy 427  North  Pennsylvania. 

Gapen.  Mrs.   Martha...  069  North  Delaware. 

Gouldint:,  Mrs.  <A\rrie "'69  North  Delaware. 


Hammond,  Upton  J 569  North  Pennsylvania. 

Hammond,  Mis.  Lizzie  M....569  North  Pennsylvania. 

Harbison,   Alexander  D 146  Ash. 

Harbison,  Miss  Agnes  R 14t'i  Ash. 

Harper,  John  L 328  College  Avenue. 

Harper,  Miss  Sarah  E 328  College  Avenue. 

Harrison,  Alfred 252  North  Meridian. 

Harrison  Mrs.  Lydia  D 252  North  Meridian. 

Harrison,  Mrs.  Bectie   L.  S...1U38  North  Illinois. 

Harrison,  Miss  Mary  S 1U3S  North  Illinois. 

Harris  m,  Benjamin 674  North  Delaware. 

Harrison,  Mrs.  Carrie  S 674  North  Delaware. 

Harrison,  Russell   B 674  North  Delaware. 

Hariison,  Miss  Mary  S 674  North  Delaware. 

Howland,  Charles  A 164  Parke  Avenue. 

Howland,  Mrs.    Helen 164  Parke  Avenue. 

Howland,  Charles  R D.  and  D.  Institute. 

Henderson,  Mrs.  Rachel 710  North  Meridian. 

Henry,  Miss  Pamelia  Alice...] 8  East  Vermont. 

Ilolliday,  Mrs.  Lucia  S 242  North  Alabama. 

Holliday,  Miss  Gretta  Y 242  North  Alal)ama. 

Holliday,  Francis  T 242  North  Alabama. 

Holliday,  John  H 601  North  Meridian. 

Holliday,  Mrs.  Evaline  M 6(il   North  Meridian. 

Holloway,  Mrs.  Eliza 277  North  Delaware. 

Howard,  Mrs.  Clarissa 92  South  Illinois. 

Higgins,  Charles  J Maine. 

Higgins,  Mrs.  Sarah  E Maine. 

Humphrey,  Samuel  D 

ITanna,  Mrs.  Rebecca  A 382  North  Meridian. 

Ilanna,  Mrs.   Lizzie  B 382  North  Meridian. 

Houdyshell,  John   L D.  and  D.  Institute. 

Hawes,   Mrs.  Ada  Augusta.. .476  North  Tennessee. 

Haynes,  John    R 120  North  Meridian. 

TLivnes,  Mrs.  Marv  E 120  North  Meridian.      ' 


Hussey,  •Tohn  R 2tU  North  Tennessee. 

Hussey,  Mrs.  Mary  J 264  North  Tennessee. 

Hutchinson,  Charles  L Pyle  House. 

Hamilton,  Mrs.  Emma Cor.  Alabama  and  Sixth. 

Houston.  Mi.-^s  Tina 37')  North  Alabama. 

Herr,  Isaac 510  North  New  Jersey. 

Herr,  Mrs.  Amelia 51U  North  New  Jersey. 

Irving,  Alexander  B Hutchinu<  Block. 

Irving,  Mrs.  Mary Hutchings  Block. 

Irving,  Miss  Maggie  Ellie Hutchings  Block. 

Irving,  Cornelius   L 92  West  Seventh. 

Irving,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  C 92  West  Seventh. 

Irving,  Miss  Fannie  Belle.... 92  West  Seventh. 



Johnston,  Samuel  A 345  North  Pennsylvania. 

Johnston,  Mrs.  Estelle 345  North  Pennsylvania. 

Johnston,  William  J 343  North  Pennsylvania. 

Johnston,  Mrs.  Fannie  C 343  North  Pennsylvania. 

Johnston,  Mrs.  Mary 699  North  Meridian. 

Johnson,  Mrs.  Mary  474  North  Pennsylvania. 

Johnson,  William  P , 209  North  Pennsylvania. 

Jordan,  Mrs.  Mattie  M 352  North  Meridian. 

Jones,  Mrs.  Flora  C 467  North  Pennsylvania. 

Jenks,  George  W Southwest  of  City. 

Jenks,  Mrs.  Carrie  E Southwest  of  City. 

Jenks,  A'olney  D 49  Alvord. 

Kirlin,  James 526  North  Illinois. 

Kirlin,  Miss  Mary  J 526  North  Illinois. 

Kirlin,  Miss  Sadie  L 526  North  Illinois. 

Kelley,  Patrick  H 828  North  Illinois. 

King,  Miss  Martha  J 294  North  Tennessee. 

Kinser,  Mrs.  Nancy  A Evansville. 

Landis,  Miss  C4aliriella 504  North  Delaware. 

Latham,  Wm.   II 614  East  Washington. 

Latham,  Mrs.  Lydia  M 614  East  Washington. 

Latham,  Charles 614  East  Wasliington. 

Latham,  llenrv 614  East  Washinizton. 


Latham,  Miss   Lillie t'il4  East  Washington. 

Louden,  Mrs.   Lucy ]  ^iO  West  <  )hio. 

Louden,  Miss  Julia  1' LJO  West  ( •hio. 

Long,  Henry  C 1^02  East  Market. 

Long,  Mrs.  Sarah  C 2U2  East  Market. 

Long,  Mrs.   Margaret -202  East  Market. 

Lecklider,  John  T /;27  East  New  York. 

Lecklider,  Mrs.   Adelaide o27  East  New  York. 

Leonard,  Mrs.  Ellen  T North  Indianapolis. 

Lueders,  Miss  Catherine 4S4  North  Mississippi. 

Lueders,  Miss  Louisa 4S4  North  Mi.s.sissippi. 

Lueders,  Miss  Eliza 4S4  North  Mississippi. 

Lueders,  Miss  (Jornealia 484  North  Mississippi. 

Maguire,  Douglass 78  East  Ohio. 

Maguire,  Mrs.  Anna  0 7S  East  Ohio. 

Mitchell,  James  L Graml  Hotel. 

Mitchell,  Mrs.  Clara  0 Grand  Hotel. 

Maclntire,  Thomas D.  and  D.  Institute. 

Maclntire,   Mrs.  Mary  B I),  and  D.  Institute. 

Maclntire,  Miss  Martha  L....D.  and  D.  Institute. 

Maclntire,  Miss  Frances D.  and  D.  Institute. 

Macauley,  Mrs  Anna  N 52G  North  Illinois. 

Miller,  Mrs.  Elizabeth   W Bates  House. 

Miller,  William  H.  H 1S5  Broadway. 

Miller,  Mrs.  (iei'tude 1S5  Broadway. 

Martindale,  Elijah  B liCiiJ  North  Meridian. 

Martindale,  Mrs.  Emma t'lt'iij  North  Meridian. 

56  ROT.L  OF  3fE.l[BEBS'. 

Martindale,  Lynn  B 6(36  North  Meridian. 

Martindale,  Charles 666  North  Meridian. 

Martindale,  Miss  Susie 666  North  Meridian. 

Mansur,  Mrs.  Jane IS  East  Vermont. 

Munson,  Charles  U 2X6  North  Alaltama. 

Myers,  Jesse  D 23  Chamber  of  Commerce. 

Moritz,  Miss  Amelia  C D.  and  D.  Institute. 

Morris,  Austin  W 196  North  California. 

Merwin,  Denton  M Rear  48  Yandes. 

Merwin,  Mrs.  Lydia  M Rear  48  Yandes. 

McLene,  Jeremiah 139  North  Pennsylvania. 

McLene,  Mrs.  Mattie  B 139  North  Pennsylvania. 

McDermott,  Duncan Near  Crown  Hill  Cemetery. 

McDermott,  Mrs.  Mary Near  Crown  Hill  Cemetery. 

McChesney,  Mrs.  Sarah  J 117  West  Maryland. 

McCheseney,  Miss  Mary  J. ..117  West  Maryland. 

McGinnis,  Frank 

McKee,  Robert  S 418  North  Tennessee. 

McKee,  Mrs.  Mary 41S  North  Tennessee. 

McCoy,  Hamilton 390  North  Delaware. 

McCoy,  Mrs.  Ella  B 390  North  Delaware. 

McCommon,  Patterson Morgan  County. 

Mangun,  C4eorge  S Morgan  County. 

Mangun,  Mrs,  Cynthia  J Morgan  County. 

Milligan,  Harry  J 29  ('hristian  Avenue. 

Morgan,  Mrs.  Amanda 149  North  Hlinois. 


Newell,  Lyne  S 31  "West  Washington. 

Newell,  Miss   Alice 3S3  Massachusetts  Avenue. 

Xichol,   James  M 357  North  Illinois. 

Noel,  Mrs.  Elizabeth 234  West  New  York. 

Noel,  Wood  S 3S7  North  Illinois. 

Newton,  Mrs.  Maria  .S 99  Indiana  Avenue. 

Ogburn,  Frank "23  East  St.  Joseph. 

•  >gburn,  Mrs.  Cornelia 23  East  St.  Joseph. 

Petrie  William 297  Indiana  Avenue. 

Petrie,  Mrs.   Jane 297  Indiana  Avenue. 

Purcell,  Mrs.  Atheline  A 278  North  Mississippi. 

Porterfield,   Henry  C Bridgeport. 

Parvin,  Edward  B 580  North  Mississippi. 

Parvin,  Mrs.  Margaret 580  North  Mississippi. 

Pearson,  Charles  A 141  North  Mississippi. 

Patterson,  Mrs.  Sarah  J 511  North  Illinois. 

Potter,  William  H 10  Claypool  Block. 

Price,  Miss  Ida  E D.  and  I).  Institute. 


Ray,  James  M lOTi  East  Xorth. 

Ray,  Mrs   .Sophia  P IGO  East  North. 

Ray,  Charles  A Washington,  I).  C. 

Ray,  Mrs.  Laura  A Washington,  D.  C. 

Ray,  Miss  Florence Washington,  D.  C. 

Roache,  Mrs.   Emily G13  North  Pennsylvania. 

Root,  Jerome  B 511  North  Illinois. 

Root,  Mrs.  Mary oil  North  Illinois. 

Root,  Miss  Julia  A 431  North  Meridian. 

Rosengarten,  Mrs.  Mary 152  Broadway. 

Rosengarten,  Albert 219  West  New  York. 

Ross,  Amos  P Citizens  Bank  Building. 

Rorison,  Erainard 272  North  Meridian. 

Rorison,  Mrs.  Mary  V 272  North  Meridian. 

Reed,  Mrs.  E.  Louise 570  North  Delaware. 

Sharpe,  Thomas  11 239  North  Pennsylvania. 

Sharpe,  Mrs.   Elizabeth  C 239  North  Pennsylvania. 

Sharpe,  Miss  Isabella  M 239  North  Pennsylvania. 

Sharpe,  Miss  Jessie 239  North  Pennsylvania. 

Sharpe,  William  E 239  North  Pennsylvania 

Sharpe,  EVienezer (^'1\  North  Pennsylvania. 

Sharpe,  Mrs.  Frances  A t'i21  North  Pennsylvania. 

Sheets,  Mrs.  Mary  S.  R 103S  Nortli  Illinois. 

Sheets,  Miss  31arv  R 103S  North  Illinois. 


Sheets,  Miss  Anna  II lli;is  North  Illinois. 

Sheets,  Miss   Katie  R HiMs  North  Illinois. 

Sheets,   Randolph IttoS  North  Illinois. 

Sheets,  William   H.  H li.^ij  College  Avenue. 

Sheets,  Mrs.  Henrietta 2-lti  < 'oUege  Avenue. 

Sickels,  Mrs.  Alma  <' S')!  North  East. 

Sickels,  Mrs.  Sophia  P 351  North  East. 

Sickels,  Henry  C M")l  North  East. 

Sickels,  Miss  Alma  0 351  North  East. 

Skillen,  Mrs.    Margaret 4S  North  West. 

Skillen,  Miss  Jennie  A 4<S  North  West. 

Skillen,  Miss  Nellie  S 4S  North  West. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Minnie  M Bates  House. 

Sponable,  Mrs.    Mary  -J 175  North  Tennessee. 

Stewart,  Miss  Margaret  F 22G  North  Meridian. 

Stewart,  Miss  Mattie  C 226  North  Meridian. 

Stowell,  Myron  A "S  West  Michigan. 

Stowell,  Mrs.    Mary  A T.S  West  Michigan. 

Swain,  ]\Irs.   Mary  J 41  North  Illinois. 

Swain,  George  H 2so  North  Alabama. 

Swain,  Mrs.  Sarah  J 2S0  North  Alabama. 

Smart,  James  H 25S  North  Pennsylvania. 

Smart,  Mrs.  Mary  E 25S  North  Pennsylvania. 

60  ROLL  OF  ME^fBEBS'. 

Taylor,  Miss  Julia  A D.  and  D.  Institute. 

Thornton,  Edwin  C Cor.  Eleventh  &  College  Av. 

Terrell,  Miss  Emma 226  North  Delaware. 

Vinnedge,  Joseph  J) California. 

Viiinedge,  Mrs.   Kate California. 

Vinton,  Merrick,  E 748  North  Meridian. 

Vinton,  Mrs.  Susan  Y.  M 7-i8  North  Meridian. 

Walpole.  Mrs,   Esther 4lU  North  Illinois. 

Watson,  Joseph  S 2(»7  West  Maryland. 

Watson,  Mrs.   Sarah  J 207  West  Maryland. 

Wilson,  Miss  Sallie   M 308  North  Tennessee. 

Wood,  Alexander IS  West  Vermont. 

Wood,  Mrs.    Saliina 18  West  Vermont. 

Wood,  James  D 18  West  Vermont. 

Woollen,  Mrs.  Mary  E 106  College  Avenue. 

Whiteside,  Mrs.  Mary  K 31  West  Ohio. 

Warne,  Mrs.  Albina 430  North  Tennessee. 

Walker,  Mrs.  Margaret 126  North  Penn.sylvania. 

Walker,  Frank   B  126  North  Pennsylvania. 

Walker,  John  C 126  North  Pennsylvania. 

Walker,  J.  F 183  West  Ohio. 

Warren  George  S 71  West  Michigan. 

Warren,  Mrs.  Harriet 71  West  Micliigan. 


Williams,  Lewis  B 144  North  Illinois, 

Williams  Miss  Mary  L 144  North  Illinois. 

Wiggins,  Mrs  Sarah  H TUT  North  Meridian. 

White,  Augustus  B 171  East  Washinaton. 

Youart.  John    M .■)Pi4  North  Tennessee. 

Youart,  Mrs.   Margaret  K "iG4  North  Tennessee. 


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